On strike tomorrow but not happy!


Registered User
Tomorrow I will be standing picketing in front of the school gates which will be locked...

My problem is that I didn't vote for a strike and have strong feelings against it. The ballot was in my opinion a bit misleading. There were three areas mentioned in the ballot one was regarding the changing of the terms and conditions of employment - 'if you want action taken by the union against any changes vote accordingly'.... A reduction of pay under the circumstances of the fiscal mess is hardly a change in terms and conditions!

Many teachers have expressed their surprise by how quick the unions were to shut up shop - and if 89% voted in favour of the union taking action 89% did not expect or wish to be out gate minding tomorrow....

The unions have not come up with anything close to a viable alternative to pay cuts to stablise economy. I will turn up tomorrow but if this stupidity continues I will have to reconsider my loyalties ..
Up to and including strike action was more than likely mentioned on the ballot paper.

What did people not understand?

I didn't vote for strike, but the majority did. I didn't vote for Fianna Fail either, but I'm stuck with them.

so I'll be on strike, and with a government that won't listen. Thought democracy was about representing the people?
And when the people make their feelings known? Does that not mean that the govt should take notice? (am thinking of the anti Iraq war demos, the anti building over Viking Dublin demos...)
One should always take cognisance of what people are feeling.

But one cannot dispute a legal ballot.

Alas. No point changing our minds when the blinking point of govt is to milk every last drop out of it. We have a very badly educated electorate. No wonder, with policies indistinguishable between FF and FG - actually, do they have policies? or do they come up with new ones whenever they fancy? They don't even have a philosophy...except maybe FG has more of an idea of ethics than FF. I have to sign up to a Code of Ethics in my profession. Maybe one for politicians would be a good idea?
I'm a member of IMPACT and have spent a lot of time thinking what I will wear for 3 hours in the cold today - all sorted now. A lot of my colleagues have said they voted NO (whether they did or not is another matter I know). So what I am wondering who this 79% are. I'll do tomorrow but will probably resign if they want me out again and I don't think I'll be alone. I have been considering resigning for some time now but didn't want to go when the going got tough so to speak. Anyway, the weather isn't too bad here so here's hoping rain will hold off until 1pm.
That's the beauty of the ballot box. Nobody knows!

I suspect one could take notice of the sartorial advice from Complainer and wear thermals and roll up the satin sleeves!!

Hmmm ...

I reckon it's dress as normal. Bring a brolly!

I reckon it's dress as normal. Bring a brolly!

The inside of a hospital is usually a great deal warmer than November outside! (due to the amount of barely-dressed people inside, by which I do NOT, Purple, mean the nurses.) It'll be hat, warm coat, gloves etc. Then inside for my unpaid 'strike' labour.
It is.

Majority rules! That is the essence of a democracy.


There is also such a thing as the tyranny of the majority. For democracy to work those that lose the election have to feel that they will not be disenfranchised by the victors. What has happened over the last few months is the government called the bluff of the union fat cats and they are now seeking to take control back. To that end they have expended considerable energy manipulating their members to do what they want. The whole thing is dripping with Animal Farm analogies.
Day of action has turned out to be a day of shopping up in the North. Didn't realise that was the purpose of the strike.
Day of action has turned out to be a day of shopping up in the North. Didn't realise that was the purpose of the strike.
Yep, I just heard that on the RTE news too. Shameful. That's patriotism for ya.
...and there's irony for ya too.

Protesting because of the possibility of cuts due to the government not having enough money to pay the public sector paybill - then head off spending their money in a different jurisdiction, adding to the problem.
So your view is that the hundreds of thousands who mandated their unions to take strike action are sheep ?
Bit of a strech there I think , redefininig democracy to your own ends .