ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?


Registered User
Has anybody any advice for a first time home builder on the benefits of oil -v- gas for a central heating system which is not on the gas line so both would have to be a tank. Much appreciated!
Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?

Both have their advantages but I would go for whichever is cheaper to supply and maintain the fact that you will have to go for a tank rather than a mains connection means you have no bills coming through the door as normal Gas customers do, I think it is ideal that you can just top up the tank when you have the spare money without having to wait on your next bill.

My preferance is oil as I currently have oil heating and have had no problems with it, Gas just scares me.

Good Luck
Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?

yeah thats what worries me too. I know both are extremely combustible but because oil is more widely used (by people I know) it "feels like" the safer option. I'm trying to be unbiased about it though!
Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?

griffid said:
yeah thats what worries me too. I know both are extremely combustible but because oil is more widely used (by people I know) it "feels like" the safer option. I'm trying to be unbiased about it though!

It takes a while for oil to ignite where as Gas will ignite instantaniously
Gas can leak inside your home while most oil boilers are located in a boiler house to the rear of the house.
Gas is a cleaner burning fuel but still you can also buy Kerosine which is a cleaner burning fuel than normal oil.
Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?

Thanks for the advice. I'd really ideally like some nice natural geothermal heating but we just couldn't afford it. I think it'll be oil that we go with but I thought it's best to look at all available options.
Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?

LPG purchased on the free market in combination with a condensing boiler is the cheapest and cleanest way of using combustion as a method for homeheating-as long as you are not connected to the gas line.Check the newer supermarkets in an area without gas line conection.TESCO,LIDL -they all use LPG in combination with a condensing boiler.
But you have to BUY the tank.If you rent it you will be bound to the company that is renting it to you.I got mine from Flogas for around € 800.- plus VAT.They keep sending me letters with their "special" offers for the gas,baits like 20% discount ect..The free market is still far below these "special" offers.At least another 20 %.
Buy the tank ! Dont rent your tank.At least not as long as you are obliged to buy the filling from the one and only company.Who sane in his head would rent a car when allowed to fill the tank only with the one and only petrol company?!
For the boiler check http:www.sedbuk.com/
For the cheapest LPG phone Tervas ltd.,golden pages.If you find someone cheaper let us know.

Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?

I would recommond oil - it has many advantages over gas, safety being no.1
Also if you install gas you're tied in with one supplier and have to have a direct debit type account etc. and they can charge whatever they like.
Where as with oil you can shop around (believe me it pays!) and order the quantity you require at the time from say 300 litres to a full tank.
Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?

I had the same question when building and went for oil in the end. 2 seperate plumbers reckoned the gas would cost too much and you would fly through it. I thought at the time that surely the 2 of them can't be bullshitting me but who knows!
Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?

I've heard that said actually, what you say about flying through the gas. Apparently oil last longer. Thanks for the advice.
Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?

With $ 380.- a barrel you won't be able to fill your tank without selling your home/stop paying for the mortgage.At least when you build the Irish standard home.You have to include ALL costs in your calculation. So better get independant advice,the Irish plumber makes money on oil heating but not on gas heating.Don't secure the job of hypocrates.And come up/pay for them. If the gas tank leaks the contents will go up into the air.If your oil tank leaks you'll have to import drinking water.Gas condensing boilers need no chimney.A chimney costs more than the most efficient combi condensing boiler.The chimney and the heat exchanger is clogged up much quicker with an oil burner.So cleaning it several times per year (or wasting money due to their inefficiency) must be included in the calculation as well.Tanks can be bought.No one rents an oil tank.And no one has to rent a gas tank. You have to cook as well.And warm water you need as well.A gas based home energy supply will cater for that.And gas is safe if handled correctly.As oil is-ask the people who's country is robbed and destroyed for it.
Have you guys ever wondered why commercial energy producers go for gas ?
Power plants switch from coal to gas.Never to oil. They would go bankrupt.
Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?

Re: ofch -v- gfch? Which is best?: confused:

With the costs of fosil fuels going up maybe you should take a look at Geothermal Open Loop system if you have the right conditions for it ie a well with suitable and adequate water. I notice in anouthe thread re these choises back in 04 that a person who had been considering geothermal (closed loop) chose oil and now in 06 was regretting that decisionl Do a heat loss heat gain survey of your home (with computer) or have some one do it for you. Then compare cost of systems which will provide the BTUs or KWhrs needed for your home. Calculate the pay back period in years by dividing the added cost of the geothermal system by the reduced yearly cost of operation.