Nude Craze


Registered User
I am curious why so many people are eager to shed their clothes in the company of others. Have they some repressed need or desire. Quite frankly the only thing i have noticed in the photos are the large tummies of most of them
There is nothing better than running around a field completely naked. You should try it sometime. Its liberating. Especially when its raining. Preferably in summer.

It can be good fun with other people too but not other clothed people...
I am curious why so many people are eager to shed their clothes in the company of others. Have they some repressed need or desire. Quite frankly the only thing i have noticed in the photos are the large tummies of most of them

Where can I find these people? I want to share in your outrage, I expect to be truly appalled and disgusted. Please PM me the details.
Dewdrop: Why does it bother you so much? Why should that bother anyone?

Perhaps the big attraction is to have you think about your own attitude towards your body and other people.

It's admirable that so many people turned up for the Spencer Tunick installations (is that the 'craze' you are talking about?).

Perhaps these people are more comfortable with their body than you are. Perhaps they don't care as much about what others think as you do.
Perhaps they thought it was fun and unusual to take their clothes off in the middle of the night and didn't think twice about it. Perhaps they are just happy to take part in a unique installation and be immortalised in a picture.

A one-off event hardly qualifies as a craze - unless I missed hordes of naked people running around the country.
Maybe the outdoor pyjama wearers have taken things a step further!
I am curious why so many people are eager to shed their clothes in the company of others. Have they some repressed need or desire. Quite frankly the only thing i have noticed in the photos are the large tummies of most of them

You're obviously not aware of his art
and sound repressed yourself and quite judgemental. Being naked with 2500 people in Dublin Docklands was a unique, unifying, exhilarating experience and great crack! Some of the shots had to be cancelled because of the rain but at the end we all ran into the sea ankle deep everyone screaming their heads off with the cold and then singing...was crazy....There would have been outrage had it been done in ireland 10-20 years ago. Cant wait to get my limited edition print.
Where can I find these people? I want to share in your outrage, I expect to be truly appalled and disgusted. Please PM me the details.

you may regret that - I think the people who are 'eager to shed their clothes' in this way are not necessarially the people you would want to see shed their clothes - large tummies and all...
I am not bothered but just curious. In fact about 30 years ago early in the morning i often enjoyed a dip in the nip in Ballybunion. I am also curious why there are not more well populated nudist beaches in Ireland in view of the obvious wish of many people to don their clothes.
Why go to a Spencer Tunick installation? It's probably a once in a lifetime opportunity. In a way you are anonymous although part of a huge group of people. Slightly challenging in the cold, but a lot of fun as those ferries passed by

Why are there none, or hardly any nudist beaches in Ireland? Must be something to do with the cooler temperature
I am also curious why there are not more well populated nudist beaches in Ireland in view of the obvious wish of many people to don their clothes.

I thought don meant to put on rather than to take off...
It's admirable that so many people turned up for the Spencer Tunick installations
This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language.

It's not art, it's pants. Not worth getting your knickers in a twist over dewdrop.
I am also curious why there are not more well populated nudist beaches in Ireland in view of the obvious wish of many people to don their clothes.

Probably because as of now there can be no official nudist beaches as public nudity is still officially illegal in Ireland. Could we make that an issue of change to be included in Lisbon 2 ? .
I feel that the people who took part did not have an opportunity to fulfill their desires until this dressed gentleman arrived here