Re: Eur100 Test
Think of it this way - you don't see your money disappear every month and don't seem to have an extravagant lifestyle. So why is it surprising that I was able to spend money on a not very extravagant lifestyle? The only difference is that I got a credit card and fooled myself about how I was paying for it all.
For a long time I paid my overdraft and credit card off as soon as I got paid. But of course then that would leave me short for the next month and I'd need to use them again. And then one month I didn't quite clear them and left a hundred pounds or so to clear. And when that happens and you don't discipline yourself it builds up the interest and gets more and more difficult to clear. So I took out a loan to clear the card but didn't get rid of it. Spent nothing on it for months (it was just for emergencies after all) and then I had to move house and used the card to pay for hiring a van to move, buy a fridge and mattress for the unfurnished house I moved into (all the other furniture was donated by friends and family or bought in the Vincent de Paul place, I didn't buy a bed until a few years later) because I just couldn't afford it pay for it otherwise. Housemate gave me half of the money for the van but that was cash in my purse and just sort of disappeared. That kind of thing happened a good bit once I started taking the card out again, with me using my card to pay for cinema tickets and so on and friends giving me the cash - it never made it to the bank.
Going to a restaurant I wouldn't just buy the cheapest thing on the menu, I'd eat whatever I felt like, probably have starters and desserts too (after all, it's a night out, I work hard, why shouldn't I treat myself) and then afterwards if it was cold or rainy, instead of waiting for the bus/nitelink just hop in a taxi (sure it's not that far really, it's worth it to get home earlier). I'd sometimes buy breakfast and lunch in work and then get takeaway for dinner - but every days for weeks before I got around to sorting out some time to cook. But I'd always convince myself I wasn't going to do that again next week, buy loads of food at the weekend and then end up throwing half of it out weeks later having spent a fortune in the meantime on paying for lunch in work/takeaways etc. Just lots and lots of silly things like that. Don't ask me how I ended up like that - when I lived in Germany (and got paid half of what I do now) I had no credit available to me and managed on a cash basis for everything - I knew the prices of everything in all the different supermarkets and never went to just one for my shopping. But somehow it just seemed to difficult to do here.
It's hard to explain but these small kinds of things to build up - and eventually the stress might get to me and I'd take my card and go shopping and buy one or two small things to treat myself - but one or two small things (new clothes, cd, books) still mount up to say seventy or eighty pounds and even though you think it's not much, when you don't have anything to spend (in fact, have negative amounts!) then it's a huge amount. Or I'd decide since Ryanair were having a sale I could go on holidays - always to visit family or friends because then there's no cost right? But when you're there you want to buy a present to say thanks/invite them out to dinner etc. etc.
About a year ago, I was in a job I hated and although I had finally started to really sort out my finances and stick to a budget properly (never lasted more than a month or two before) I could feel that I was starting to feel the same way I had before, just sick of always having to be watching my money. But this time instead of blowing money I didn't have on crap I didn't need, I decided to bite the bullet and start going for counselling (there were some emotional issues involved, leftovers from bereavment as a kid and so on, plus I have a similar problem with eating food as I do with spending money and really wanted to continue to lose weight). It's not cheap but I reckon it has saved me hundreds in the long-run as well as helping me get a new job which I love.
Hmmm, this has been another mammoth post. Thanks to anyone who actually made it to the end, apologies to any I may have bored and well done for not falling asleep!