Nonsense stories - are they really newsworthy?

I never buy it anymore. There is actually something very depressing about that paper; full of tacky people, useless 'celebs', young ones with degrees in journalism and absolutely no life experience giving us the benefit of their wisdom on how we should all be living our lives......
Agreed. I have given up on it. Anyone have any recommendations for a Sunday paper?
Sindo these days seems to be merely a vehicle to peddle pointless photos and "gossip" about Rosanna Davison et al. Utter rubbish paper.

The Independent is not much better,very poor standard of Journalism,gave up buying it a few years ago,the sindo is a complete vomit bag of a paper, sycophantic articles written mostly by members of the same family and their friends,wouldn't use it to line a bin.
Agreed. I have given up on it. Anyone have any recommendations for a Sunday paper?

Sunday Times,you really get value for money with the Sunday Times,amazingly they also employ grown up,college educated Journalists who incredibly research and write the articles :eek:and heres the bonus they live up to their responsibilities as member's of the fourth estate as opposed to their Irish counterparts who live up to their obligations to the Estate agents.
Sunday Times,you really get value for money with the Sunday Times,amazingly they also employ grown up,college educated Journalists who incredibly research and write the articles :eek:and heres the bonus they live up to their responsibilities as member's of the fourth estate as opposed to their Irish counterparts who live up to their obligations to the Estate agents.

I never thought I would say this:- Nice Post Knuttell
Agreed. I have given up on it. Anyone have any recommendations for a Sunday paper?

I usually buy the IT on a Saturday, plus one of the UK papers - usually the Guardian or maybe the FT. I find the weekend suppliments in each of these papers has some good interesting stuff. Don't bother with the Sunday papers much, but if I was feeling in the mood I'd by the Sunday Times mainly for the Gear & Travel sections.

It would be fantastic IMO if you could pay a fiver and get the Weekend Suppliments and magazines from all of the leading Irish and UK broadsheets.

The best bit in the Sindo is the Aldi/Lidl supplement.
Agreed. I have given up on it. Anyone have any recommendations for a Sunday paper?

I would also recommend the Sunday Times. Writers who have some knowledge of what they're talking about, a decent array of supplements, a really good culture section and no photos of Glenda Gilson, Gerard Keane, Lisa Murphy and all the other pointless nobodies that constantly grace the pages of the Sindo.
Thanks for the recommendations. I like to have a paper to read on Sunday so will definitely be taking up your suggestions.
Many people just buy any newspaper because of the main headlines, time of year, sporting occasions etc etc. Very few of us know how news and newspapers work. I dont claim to know everything about the newspapers either, but I am au fait with some of the workings.

Newspapers deal with Dáil Éireann bigtime because the news is already there. A TD asks a "Dail Question" - it can be any question e.g. when will Toureendohenybeg receive Galtee Mountain water?" - The DQ is prepared and two weeks before the TD asks the question, the answer is on his desk. Of course, it appears that the DQ was asked and answered on a particular day. The newspapers are onto this caper also.

Birth, Deaths, Weddings are always news items. Somebody is interested. So much the better if a picture appears.

We all know Sport is a conversation starter. The newspapers screw sport to death. Why wouldn't they?

Then there is the funny season i.e. when most journalists, reporters, hacks etc are on holidays (July/August). The Dáil is not sitting, news is scarce. Therefore, a story written many months before appears on the newspaper. Some ambulance, bus, bike, van, lorry driver is suddenly caterpulted onto the headlines for something that happened the previous February. But, the punter thinks it happened yesterday.

Who says there is full truth in the news. People are quoted, misquoted, set-up, asked leading questions, interviewed while drunk, interviewed leaving a brothel or something when their guard is down. Suddenly, we have a scoop.

Paper does not refuse ink. Reporters will report. Journalists will investigate (we hope) - people are in want of news; we need newspapers and they need us.

There are probably many other scenarios which lead people to buy newspapers. But, I think if you know what you are buying and why you are halfway there in understanding newspapers.