No visible signage / house numbering in housing estates?


Registered User
I have just had a terrible day getting from a to b and I suddenly thought " We hear all this gumpf about Ireland being one of the best educated, weatlhiest etc" Well, why is it when you visit a housing estate there are no visible signs of anything and you spend all your time peering at doors that dont have numbers, then you find no 1 and its miles in the estate so u then work out 150 is at the entrance?? You then ask directions and are told take a right at the crossroads but when u get to the crossroads there are no signs and you wonder is it the crossroads that will have a sign. You chance it and take a right, you have been told it is then straight on, but after a few miles you get to a t junction and yes again no signs. And on it goes.

FFS why dont someone get a grip and take their head out of their ***e and see it is stupid carry on like this that is driving us all mental. I could go on for hours, eg car lights--,, will it ever change. And we are going to have post codes, god help us. It used to be quaint well that joke has worn very thin.

Re: Why can't one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

NOAH said:
FFS why dont someone get a grip and take their head out if their ****e
My mind is boggled trying to figure out what the censored word is...

I'm not clear either on who this rant is directed at? Who is responsible for the management of the estates in questions that have a dearth of signage? Presumably the housholders themselves are responsible for displaying house numbers on their own houses/doors?
Re: Why cant one of the waealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

Its directed at the country in general because i have been all over BUT today took the biscuit for various reasons. And I am getting tired now of hearing how well we are doing and all I see is total chaos. I would not mind if it was isolated but it is widespread. Everyone has an instant answer and just pass the buck.


ps why do people indicate at roundabouts when they are going straight on.

why won't drivers let turning in traffice turn in, and let people out, dont they ever have to do the same??
Re: Why cant one of the waealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

as far as I am aware when builders start an estate they number the first houses 1 2 3 4 etc and if they then 'switch' to the other side of the entrance road they continue on say 8 9 10 etc when in reality these later houses should be numbered say 200 201 202 as they are going to be the last houses on the exit of the estate. So when he starts building the next batch in he just continues with the next numbers say 16 17 18 so then when the estate is finished its a hotpotch of numbers. there might be 200 houses and there will be little 'runs' of continuous numbers but thats it. no continuity that a visitor or stranger can follow. builders in general when building the first 20 or so houses dont want potential buyers to know the number of houses that might be in the estate in case it detracts from their selling price.
Re: Why cant one of the waealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

The maps on Maporama will give you rough idea of where particular house numbers lie in an estate - very handy facility.
Re: Why cant one of the waealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

NOAH said:
And I am getting tired now of hearing how well we are doing and all I see is total chaos.
Don't you think that it's at least a little bit of an exaggeration to say that all you see is total chaos? That would seem like a bit of a warped view to me. Or does this thread, which started off ostensibly about a dearth of signage in certain places but which seems to have developed into a general rant about all sorts of other things as well, have any real point at all?
Re: Why cant one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

Can't agree more with you Noah in relation to the signage. I often wonder how Americans or other foreign tourists ever find their way around our island. Having driven plenty of times on my hols in the states I have to say road signage does not compare well. The signage in the States is simple and well laid out. Ours on the other handy is dire and no maintenance seems to ever be carried out i.e. if some kids come along and mess with signs and change the directions they never seem to be put back right.
Re: Why cant one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?


In response to the original question in the title of this thread:

Why cant one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

the answer is actually quite simple ...

the last time the government tried to improve the number of street signs in the country, it paid a small fortune to have a load of new signs prepared with up to something like 9 (or was it even 13 ?) peices of information on them, which were far to clustered to be of any use to motorists etc and were quickly removed.

I imagine the government now has someone with a big bottle of tip-ex trying to reduce the amount of information on each sign, so it can have them put back up again ;)

Sadly, yet another issue where the government has let us down despite successfully managing to squander a fortune in tax payers money I am afraid :(


[broken link removed]
Why cant one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

Couldn't agree more! It begins inside Dublin Airport terminal (where finding the relevant baggage carousel is impeded by the constantly-flashing, highly-coloured electronic advertisements) and continues outside where the electronic bus-timetable is placed on the outside of a bus-shelter in such a position it could only be read if the place were cleared of all vehicles and pedestrians. Every stranger requiring transport into the city centre has to ask transport personnel for guidance and directions. As the OP writes, lack of signage (or more precisely, information which is chaotic and unsystematic) is pervasive. I've had similar experiences in Dublin - particularly on the newer satellite estates.
Re: Why cant one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

I have to agree with the orginal poster.

I spend my day driving to housing estates all over leinster, and lose at least one to two hours a day due to poor road signs.

As for signage in new housing estates? Complete nightmare! It should be compulsory to put a big map at every entrance to a housing estate, showing all the street names and house numbers.


Re: Why cant one of the waealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

RainyDay said:
The maps on Maporama will give you rough idea of where particular house numbers lie in an estate - very handy facility.

According to that site, my house in Balbriggan is on Westland Row in the city centre!!

I agree with the OP. I'm always asked for directions in my estate for the avenue or the lane or the grove etc and I haven't a clue where they are.
Re: Why cant one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

Maporama also has the street names arseways in my area. Google Maps is slightly better but still invents a few new streets that don't exist. The [broken link removed] (for Dublin) is handy in my experience.
Re: Why cant one of the waealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

NOAH said:
ps why do people indicate at roundabouts when they are going straight on.

ehh...because its the rules of the road?
1) You must indicate when exiting a roundabout
2) if its the first exit then you indicate left when approaching
3) If its not the first exit then stay in the left hand lane then indicate when past the first exit ( if your going "staright on")
Re: Why cant one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

Why don't drivers know the rules of the road!? :mad:

Re: Why cant one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

Because they don't have a full license but are still allowed to drive around?
Re: Why cant one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

I have to agree the street signage around cities in Ireland is poor, often just a small sign tucked away on the side of a house on the corner if there is one at all. Large clear signs at every junction (overhead like in the States would be nice) with just the names of each street can't be that hard to do?
Re: Why cant one of the wealthiest countries in the world put up a few signs?

I love the big sign which greets you as you come onto the Longford bypass coming from Dublin. It says in several languages "Drive on Left". Now if you've made it to Longford driving on the right - more power to you!
Are you Chinese?
:) :) very funny ClubMan, that was really very good.
You are spot on rpmacmurphy. I would guess that less than half of all drivers know how to indicate when using a roundabout, and most of those who can are under 30.

On the signs in housing estates issue a friend of mine who drives an ambulance goes on about this all the time. He can recount times when he spent 15-30 minutes getting the last mile to a call. This is a common problem and people have died as a result.
To avoid/minimise this, the ambulance service asks that where possible someone stand outside the house and waits for the ambulance.
In some other European countries (Germany for one) homeowners are required by law to have the number of their house displayed in a prominent position that can be seen from the road. It must also be visible at night.
I would suggest that everyone who has a house stands on the road outside at night (when the road is quiet) and looks to see if a stranger could make out their number.