Thats fine with me also, I can wait until the market conditions dawn on the vendor and my offer is not seen in such a bad light.or maybe they won't dignify it with a response.
Thats fine with me also, I can wait until the market conditions dawn on the vendor and my offer is not seen in such a bad light.or maybe they won't dignify it with a response.
hi luckycharm just wondering how low did your friend go on original offer compared 2 asking price...just interested as i'm ftb looking at houses and wondering what 2 bid in relation 2 asking price
I have rung many EAs in the past on behalf of friends pretending (using a false name) to be interested in the house and to see if there were any offers. The answers were often interesting.ring the agent and ask if there is any offers on the property, change your name first.
I've had that one before. It's really baffling that anyone would hold out for "a little more" at the moment. as has been said already go on an all out offense, view many properties and find the seller who hasn't the time on their side to hold out for "a little more"At 9:15 of the morning following the budget my offer was rejected, along with the comment that t"he vendor is looking for just a little more" any link to the increase in the FTB benefit on the interest payments? were the sceptics right in the end, this has nothing to do with assisting FTB but a bail out to the developers?