No notification of tracker rate reduction from UB


rameri are you with Ulster Bank?


and your relationship with the company is set out in the terms and conditions, understand these and you understand your place as a customer.
care not to understand the terms and conditions and you ask questions which are set out in the terms and conditions, which makes you an annoyance, and more than likely to threaten the customers service agent with Joe Duffy.

rameri are you with Ulster Bank?

I would also like to know the answer to a rephrased question please rameire.

Do you have any relationship with RBS/Ulster Bank/First Active?

Is this relationship a customer relationship, or are you employed in any capacity by RBS?

It is extremely odd that you have re-emerged after a silence of over two years.

And your only other post was on a subject which related to First Active products and just how these were to be integrated into the RBS IT platform, a subject on which you seemed to have a pretty in-depth knowledge of.

Although, when one looks at you typical RBS anti-customer rant, it leads one to believe that you are just one of their minions taking the calls

Can you clarify, for the benefit of all the participants in this discussion, just what your relationship with RBS/UB/FA is?
rameire either I'm picking you up wrong or this is simply unaccurate. If the 8th Oct decrease was implemented on the 15th of Oct then I would expect to have this reflected in my November repayment (as I would for any increase) - this was not the case, likewise I very much doubt the 6th Nov decrease will be reflected in my Dec repayment. Can you clarify this?

He means it was implemented by the ECB on that date, and from that date the banks have 30 days to increase/decrease the rates.
He means it was implemented by the ECB on that date

How do you know rameire is male?

and from that date the banks have 30 days to increase/decrease the rates.

And Ulster Bank have decided on each and every occasion since Dec. 2005 to pass on Rate Increases on the first available opportunity, but for the latest 2 rate changes(Decreases), they have cynically decided to delay to the last possible date, which for most people means an extra month at the old higher rate.

Consistant, No. Cynical, Yes.
How do you know rameire is male?

I don't

Actually, the first available opportunity would be the next working day. I am guessing the last increase in July was only applied around the 31st of July (my payment on the 28th was still the same).
Has anyone got any response from UB- I wrote in and complained and have heard nothing!! :mad:
Wrote to UB re this on 6th Nov and got a reply dated 7th Nov ...... letter states

'I am sorry you were unhappy with the service you recently received, but I am grateful that you took the time to contact us and explain why..... My team is investigating the case and will be in contact with you within the next 10 working days with a full response'

I'm amazed I got this letter seeing as when I made the initial phone call (in October) querying my rate reduction, I was told a 'letter was in the post' yet this 'letter in the post' hasn't yet arrived?????
Haven't heard anything about the rate reduction for November either....

PS the also enclosed a lovely brochure called 'make your voice heard' re how to complain to them
I've yet to receive a letter from UB re: the October or November decreases. I spoke to someone in the branch last week and she said there was a big backlog and hoped letters would be out in the next week.

At that rate the Nov notification might be out around Xmas?

I've never dealt with such a badly organised company in all my life.
Got notification in the post today from Ulster Bank.

They are backing dating the October change to 22nd October and apologised for a "Internal system issue" which prevented the new rate being applied on 1 November.

November rate cut will also be effective from a date in November (I don't have the latter in front of me)

The government are not the only body doing U turns these days. Thankfully UB have realised the error of their ways.

Got my notification today similar to AJC. All smiles!
got the same letter today from UB. looks like the telephone call and letter worked
I also received a letter today (I hadn't made a complaint)). My letter states the October change should have become effective on the 25th October and that November cut will be effective from the 22nd of this month.

no i dont work for rbs, ub, fa,
i do have a mortgage,
i would have an indepth knowledge of ub and fa, and their products,
i am in the financial industry, the knowledge would be from friends who also work in the financial industry, and just general nerdiness.
and the reason i havent been on in 2 years, is i forgot about this site, but started looking again due to the financial termoil and uproar.

the dates are related to when the ecb notified the public of the increases or decreases, the implemented day is when the ecb actually implemendted the rate, the banks and financial instutions then have 7 or 30 or other days from the implementation day to apply the rates to their products.
I would also like to know the answer to a rephrased question please rameire.

Can you clarify, for the benefit of all the participants in this discussion, just what your relationship with RBS/UB/FA is?


Enough of this freelance modding ! If you have a problem with a post, poster or thread or if you think posting guidelines have been breached please use the report post facility to bring it to the attention of the mods/admins.

I would also like to know the answer to a rephrased question please rameire.

Can you clarify, for the benefit of all the participants in this discussion, just what your relationship with RBS/UB/FA is?


Enough of this freelance modding ! If you have a problem with a post, poster or thread or if you think posting guidelines have been breached please use the report post facility to bring it to the attention of the mods/admins.
