i lodged the complaint last week, a girl rang me from the Complaints dept and sent a letter today they are looking into it,
however they are basically taking the full 30 days from the 8th of oct to acknowledge the increase so for a drop in oct, you wont see it untill the dec 1st payment,
im getting onto my local branch now again to complain, out of basic fairness as a customer. I will be putting it in writing.
the ombudsman is the next option see below form their website
What happens if we can't reach agreement?
The Financial Services Ombudsman's Bureau acts independently of the Bank and provides a free service as an impartial adjudicator of unresolved customer concerns.
The Ombudsman can help with most financial complaints. However, there are some limitations on what the Financial Services Ombudsman's Bureau can look into, and further information about this can be obtained from them directly.
If you wish to ask the Financial Services Ombudsman to review your concern you must do this within 15 days of the date of the Bank's final response letter.
The address to write to is:
Financial Services Ombudsman's Bureau
3rd Floor
Lincoln House
Lincoln Place
Dublin 2
Lo-Call 1890 882090
Tel: 01 6620899
Fax: 01 6620890
Website : [broken link removed]