Nice Catholic Mass weekday mornings

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Pascal would argue differently! I actually see his point!!
The biggest lie that religions tell is that it is not possible to be a moral or ethical person without their god or gods. It is a despicable premise. We should aspire to be moral and modest and temperate and forgiving because it is the right thing to do and for no other reason.
The idea that we should be good because after we die we’ll get free rein in the temporal sweet shop or be subjected to excruciating pain for eternity is infantilising and insults our intellect.
Thanks for engaging, Purple

I respect your views. I understand the points you are making. I also understand what Pascale is saying. His intellect is certainly superior to mine. I don't have the answers. I have to go about earthly matters for now. Also, can't promise to be temperate this evening if past Friday night performances are any guide to what might happen later!
In my case it was a lack of belief in the supernatural stemming from the respect for logic and critical thinking that my father gave me.

Hi Purple. Since you mention the supernatural, I have experienced the supernatural, in the form of dreams and visions, etc. Over a number of years. Sometimes in broad daylight and in the presence of others, who didn't see what I saw. Without the help of alcohol or psychedelic drugs. 99% not crazy. I believe from a Divine source. If not Divine then it's from the devil pretending to be God. Same conclusion, we are not alone, not by a long shot. Some stuff a bit unsettling. A call to change some stuff in my life and maybe a complete change of direction in life.
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