I accused them of deception, they replied with an "investigation response" letter received this morning stating that the €20 was stated in Ts&Cs when I signed up for the account, but waived. I don't believe them, but I haven't had a chance to check yet. They refuse to close my account, I refuse to pay them to transfer the shares out. I've informed them that if they bill me the €20, I'll report them to the Gardaí for fraud. Obviously I've withdrawn all of my funds from the tied current account.
I haven't checked the Ts&Cs or reported them for fraud. On wise, it would have been wise of them not to explicitly describe the account to me as transaction-only when I set it up. So Eh? yerself, if you've nothing constructive to say, say nothing.
... mind your own business....
I rang the branch, got through to a call centre who actually put me through to the branch. They will close my ustody account and charge me €25 to convert my shares(one type only) into certs. Slim