I'm waiting for a call back from the person who handles my mortgage account in NIB (I'm currently on their ECB + 0.79% tracker). I'll post when I hear back.
I posted the above in this thread on October 23rd.
They still haven't managed to move me to the new rate.
That's despite me not needing a new valuation because the existing one they had on file for my house brought me within the equity criteria for the ECB+0.5% rate.
I had to chase and chase them to send me out the relevant documentation.
They never sent it.
They did, however, promise on three occasions (to the best of my recollection) that they had sent it. Not that they would send it (non-receipt of it by me would merely have amounted to incompetence on their part) but that they had sent it (so they were lying).
I finally managed to get the documentation by going in myself to collect it, bringing it home, signing it with Mrs. Oyster and returning it on the same day. They promised me they would switch my rate that day.
That was December 8th.
Since then I have continued to ring them and e-mail them repeatedly.
I called in when I couldn't get anybody to respond to me. I was told that the woman who deals with my account was in a meeting and couldn't see me.
That was odd because I could see her - she was hiding behind a pillar just back from the front desk.
I could have pointed this out but I believe in always keeping my dignity and I was (naturally) promised by the woman at the information desk that the other woman (you are keeping up now, aren't you?) would telephone me by the close of business that day.
Sadly, she's on holidays now. She has been since December 19th and will be until January 2nd.
I'm not quite sure why I'm posting this.
Maybe it's out of a sense of guilt.
After all, I have posted many times in the past that mortgages are a commodity, that the only thing that matters is the rate, that customer service is a piffling irrelevancy.
I still believe that. Honestly, I do.
But I'd like to apologise in advance to any AAM member who just happens, by chance, to be in my local NIB branch next Tuesday.
It could be both loud and ugly.