Newbury Wood, Clonshaugh, D.17

your like me determind. my girlfriend rang dcc yesterday and lost the head. this is crazy. are u in type d house. i thought i was the only one. have u done any work in your house or even a snag. tom said i cant do a snag till i sign.
Ooops double reply.
Hi Graham yep I've done snag actually done 2 now but am supposing because I'm doing shared ownership that's why I haven't seen a contract !!!???

I'm in house type B at least I think that's what it is, this has been going on so long I forget now Nearly a year since I was offered the house
thanks determined. im not doing shared ownership. im private. im ringin them now. this is bollox. they are the slowest company ever. i have to sort this out. my mortgage changes again on the 9th of october.
Let me know what they say Graham, there's so many versions out there at this stage. I don't think they can spell the word efficient in DCC
contracts sent. yessssssssssssssssssssss. at last. talked to martin 10 mins ago. sent out last nite. should have them 2moro. im on the final road now.
just up there this morning

rationel (window crowd) working on my house this morning spoke to them and pointed out everything should all be complete by today
electrician is coming at dinner time to fix the emergin wiring

all in all at the final stage now just left to sign on friday latest monday


said there are some people getting their keys today or tomorrow and some who haven't started snagging yet

can't wait now starting to get a bit excited

best of luck graham it should fly by

p.s determined that wall where graffiti is should be painted by the end of the week your man was meant to do it yesterday
Good to hear Graham.

I did my second snag yesterday and everything was fine.

J59 i had problems with the rubber seals on the patio door also. They where hanging off when i did the first snag, when we went back up they where firmly stuck back on. My oul lad wasn't to impressed with the finish around the windows either but he said he had seen worse. Thanks for the number for the Alarm guy i'll definitely give him a ring.

Can we convert our attics??????

I think I’ve mentioned before on here that my Da is in the building trade so when we went to do the second snag he took a ladder so he could get up into the attic and have a look around e.g watertank, space. I went up myself and its unbelievable how big it is. I asked about a possible conversion down the line and he said it wouldn't be a problem, honestly you wont believe how big it is until you have a look. You can stand up and walk 6 at least feet from front to back and then its the entire width of your house, i mean it could be the biggest bedroom in your house if converted along with an en-suite, i was really happy about this. He said everything looked good. He wasn't happy with where they placed the water tank though its right in the middle of the attic which makes it a bit more difficult if ever converted. He said every house he builds these days they purposely put the tanks in the corner in case the owner ever wants to convert. Laziness on the builder’s part i think.

Also if anyone can answer the following questions before i ask Mick!

What are the red switches for in the kitchen? They dont control the sockets.
Is the extractor fan above the cooker space installed correctly where does the vent exit from we couldnt see where?
juhu determined i am with the shared ownership scheme as well. thought im the only one but glad i'm not i.e. we should have the same info
i was told that we dont see the contracts until the actual day of signing i.e. on the day we sign the contracts, we also get the keys and all's sorted. only people who go through banks got their contracts send out which is also why we had to pay a legal fee to DCC.

anyway i talked to martin and he said he's still waiting for some poxy document from the developer and he said, he should have it by today latest - so whenever the postman comes around. he also said that the keys are still missing. he has 37 houses ready to go and all that's missing are the keys and that particular document he needs. so i get on the phone now in a minute, trying to get tom to see what the story is with them keys! :mad:
it sounded to me like we get them from martin/ DCC, otherwise he wouldn't have said he's waiting for them in order to get the sale's closed?
well, i remember my friend who bought three years ago, got the keys on the day she signed the contract and closed the i suppose we dont get them from the builders. i just emailed tom to see what he has to say
Wow Own/occupy i remember asking Tom the 1st day I viewed if the attics were convertable. He said no as the roofs are pitched so I discounted it at the time but if your dads in building and he thinks it's possible woohoo, that extra bedroom would be great...not that there's any money left in the pot right now that is.
Red switches in the kitchen : one of the light switches works a fan in the utility room, I presume the red switches are for the mains of the cooker etc !!??
My cooker fan wasn't working when I was there last but wasn't sure if it wa meant to be iykwim

Alaska you and me waiting on the same then, have you signed off your snag ie sent that letter back to the brains in DCC ?

J59 do you know if the fencing is coming down opposite us ?

Ooh I am getting excited now
hi determined, ya i sent the snag joak off to DCC and they got it on the 17th. i sent it by registered post.

in regards to the attic, i was thinking myself to convert it sometime (in the future when i won a bit of lotto money ) but was told as well, that not all attics can be converted. well well, i look further into it, when i am actually living in the house.
hi ye own/occupy

the extractor fan in the kitchen doesn't actually have a vent its what you call charcoal vent or something

you buy the filters in D I D or somewhere like that i think they start off white and you replace them when they become dirty or something like that

not sure to be exact but my uncle was doing the snag and thats what he said at the time he told me to put it on the snag at the time and chance me arm to see if they'd put a vent in but presumed they wouldnt

i dont think my attic can be converted remember tom telling me that at the start

haven't a clue about the fencing determined i'd say they will though !

about the keys mick told me today that our solicitor will have the keys and then when you move in you get the second set off mick himself there in the site office he said a lot of solicitors are actually posting the keys out now or couriering them out think i spelled couriering wrong but ye get me drift
although shared ownership usually pick them up in dcc as far as i know
Gonna head up to the site tomorrow morning , Bottomfeeder do you think your dad will be there ?
Alaska what paperwork have you sent to DCC ? The form stating last years earnings from tax office (can't remember the name) which they use to calculate rental relief on the rental part, have they asked you for that ?

So much paperwork our end yet to do !!! also do u think when payments start will be they be a month in advance or arrears

No access at the mo to internet in work so I'll be checking this forum out on my phone all day
I was up late yesterday (weds) evening and there were 'officials' from DCC there with photographers! Mick said one of them was the 'top man' from DCC and they were very impressed with our road (me too!)..I know my solc said Martins not ready to close yet as theres one more document due from the builder so I think that's what the visit was about yesterday - the final 'sign off' so to speak..not long now... though I've been saying that since MAY!!!
good morning guys,

good news, good news, good news

martin received the document from the developer yesterday and i am up in DCC on monday at 2.30pm to get my keys and close the sale *juhu* got the call late yesterday afternoon and was all over the place, bouncing like a jojo - so now we're getting somewhere, finally.
he said there were two other time slots on monday i.e. two more people will get their keys (on monday).

determined - the paper piece(s) i sent back last week, was one that confirmed that snagging was ok and i am happy with everything. the other one was the direct debit form. that's it. no more paper work to send off before the signing.