Good to hear Graham.
I did my second snag yesterday and everything was fine.
J59 i had problems with the rubber seals on the patio door also. They where hanging off when i did the first snag, when we went back up they where firmly stuck back on. My oul lad wasn't to impressed with the finish around the windows either but he said he had seen worse. Thanks for the number for the Alarm guy i'll definitely give him a ring.
Can we convert our attics??????
I think I’ve mentioned before on here that my Da is in the building trade so when we went to do the second snag he took a ladder so he could get up into the attic and have a look around e.g watertank, space. I went up myself and its unbelievable how big it is. I asked about a possible conversion down the line and he said it wouldn't be a problem, honestly you wont believe how big it is until you have a look. You can stand up and walk 6 at least feet from front to back and then its the entire width of your house, i mean it could be the biggest bedroom in your house if converted along with an en-suite, i was really happy about this. He said everything looked good. He wasn't happy with where they placed the water tank though its right in the middle of the attic which makes it a bit more difficult if ever converted. He said every house he builds these days they purposely put the tanks in the corner in case the owner ever wants to convert. Laziness on the builder’s part i think.
Also if anyone can answer the following questions before i ask Mick!
What are the red switches for in the kitchen? They dont control the sockets.
Is the extractor fan above the cooker space installed correctly where does the vent exit from we couldnt see where?