Newbury Wood, Clonshaugh, D.17

i just talked to DCC again, this time the aff. housing section just to get clarifications on a few things. find it all confusing with who does what now and when it's completed and anyway - you don't really know who to talk to to get guarantees

aaaaaaaaaanyway the guy from the aff. housing section said that everything is in order, everything is in and there is nothing they can do at this stage anymore. it is all up to the DCC's law department and no one will be prioritised. he said one of the solicitors from the DCC's law dept. will ring us (or your own solicitors if you're not with the shared ownership) next week or so to confirm the final closing day BUT we should not take the 26th as a guarantee and he said that this date should have never been told by the builders as such as they don't know how long the DCC's law department take to get everything done

but then again, Martin had said to me this week that he still aims for next week, so let's keep all our fingers crossed - i believe it's all for real when i have the keys (optimist i am)
Hey I met my neighbour today, hello Mr Bottomfeeder how did the tiling go ?
Must say there's only a handfull left on my snag list getting quite excited now
Hey I met my neighbour today, hello Mr Bottomfeeder how did the tiling go ?
Must say there's only a handfull left on my snag list getting quite excited now

Hello Elaine, very nice to meet ya, dnt be stressing too much about ur floors cos their not in too bad a shape. Won't be too long til we're all in
Hey Bottomfeeder yeah I know I'm stressin about the little things, daft considering the long road we've all been on to get to where we are. Spoke to Mick about how them god damm sliding doors are so close to the floor that they're not allowing ANY room for any sort of flooring to be put down. He says go talk to people who'll be putting the wooden flooring down. So off I went to Des Kelly and they're going to go up and have a look at what they're up against but reckon they'll only put the flooring up to the inner edge of the doors and put a panel under the door iykwim !!??
Mick says the bottom of door can't be cut as the groove is needed for the runner. However I'm thinkin why can't we have doors taken off and have the excess taken off the top.
Answer is Mick said it took 3 guys to lift the doors in the first place, methinks he doesn't want the hassle

Nice meeting ya though hope your tiling is goin well
hey determined

i spoke to mick the other day he said as soon as we've signed for the house
he'll get some of his guys in to take them down for me don't know if he's going to charge yet i'll have to check it out
I know J59 don't know whether he'll charge ya. I reckon he shouldn't.
My point is I'm not signing off till this is sorted. If you buy a new house you expect to be able to move in and put down flooring without hassle.
They'll probably end up hating me on site but I'm not signing off till they fix this problem.
There is only 17 houses on the road that have these doors. I like them but even if I didn't I can't afford to change them and we shouldn't have to. I'd just love to know if any one else in the 17 houses has spotted this problem.
I'm obsessing about little things I know but they have to fix it.
Determined the guys that are putting my floor down are going to take the doors completely out I would rather have a gap than have them there to be honest.
Hey Determined,

I have these doors also and when i did my snag last week my brother mentioned it looks tight enough to get flooring under them. i said it didn't matter cause they would be the first things to go once i move in. I hope its not a big job to get rid of them.

I was also talking to one of my mates over the weekend about putting in some decking in the back garden large enough to fit a table with 6 chairs, he said not a bother he'd do it in a weekend. Alls i have to do is treat him to a night of free drink.
Hi All, been away getting hitched and haven't had a chance to check in, my solc spoke to the guy Martin in DCC this morning this is what he said:
I spoke with Martin Browne in DCC a little while ago. They are awaiting some further standard documentation from the builder, certificates of compliance etc and the keys. Upon receipt of same they will be in a position to close.

So it's now the builder who is holding things up!! I just want to get out of my poky flat and start off married life in my nice new house!!!!!!
What is the time period for your loan approval? I got approved back in March when will the loan offer become obsolete?
Oh God I'm having a panic attack now!!
By the way if you're looking to get a door to match the kitchen for an integrated fridge I got the number of the guy who did the kitchens it's Ger Foley 086 8241780.

And we've no kids (yet) but don't mind other peoples as long as they're well behaved!!!
august2008 dont get panic attacks! it's only a matter of days now. i know its frustrating though. im living in an apartment myself just up the road and our poxy lift is out of order, so i have to climb stairs every single morning and afternoon (living on the top floor, carrying a 2 year old) and with each stair i keep reminding myself of the lovely new house waiting down the road....

last week when i talked to mick he gave me the impression that moston wants to sell asap, so whatever documentations martin is waiting for, i'm sure he gets them quickly. funny enough, i was told on friday by DCC that everything (documentation wise) was in and martin is just getting the contracts finalised...well well, let's wait and see. most of us are waiting for almost a year now, so one day more or less wont make much of a difference, hopefully

august2008 - did you finish your snag list yet? cause then your solicitor should be able to draw down the money...
Nevernever08 - no kids
own/ occupy - no kids
graham hunga - no kids
Annpg - one 6 year old
shellym - one 6 year old
alaskaonline - one 2-year old (today is her birthday )
Determined - 2 girls 8 & 5
J59 - 3 children: 2 girls 8 and 9 one boy 4

August2008 - no kids (yet)
Sel2 - one 9 year old
hi august im in the same boat as u. contracts were made wrong back months ago. not even sorted yet. wait 4 something of the builders solicitor. its all dcc fault not the builders. i told tom this the other day what happened and he got really angry. he wants this to be closed just as much as us. dont worry
Hi Graham Hunga

I know the person that is moving into No 7 not very well but we grew up near each other parents are friendly with each other .

Hey everyone,

Haven't written in a long time but check up on all thats happening here most days. Went out to do a second snag this morning about two thirds of our original snag completed. It was so exciting to see the house. We also have those sliding doors they are going to be annoying I think, ours don't close fully. We are prob just gonna take them off.

We went to right price tiles on Sunday and got tiles for our kitchen/hallway, there was a sale on so got a good price. If anyone knows of a good tiler maybe you could post their details.

We are moving into number 44 (hopefully sometime soon!!). So perhaps some of ye are our neighbours.

Look forward to meeting you all!

Laura & Jamie