Newbury Wood, Clonshaugh, D.17

I spoke to Mick this morning quite a nice man really very helpful. I asked him could I start putting furniture etc i bought in the house and he said no problem at all when suits me....

I was delighted so going to bring it up tomorrow....
Done re - snag and have to go back up on monday lunch time for final final snag so hopefully i will sign on wedneday!!!

And i have no kids
thats true graham but your man mick told me that there is security 24 hours on it??? So it would be as save as anything????

I wonder would he let me put an alarm in now?? might be pushing it though ha
Quick question Never. When i was up snagging last night we noticed that the house wasn't wired for an alarm. Can anyone confirm that this is the norm? My oul lad couldn't find any wires for alarming the windows, so he said anyway.
just make sure if your puttin stuff in put it upstairs so nobody can see it. did u get any quote 4 a alarm.
I know it will have to be done but its a big job if you want the wires behind the walls and not running along your floor, i'd be interested to know has anyone got a quote for setting up the alarm>
hi all we have a 9 year old girl can i ask did everyone do their snags themselves or did they get a particular company/surveyor to do them
i would have thought it was a pretty standard thing for a new house to be wired for an alarm most new houses are these days it costs a lot more when they are not wired
hi guys, tom told me ages ago (must have been april or so) that there are no wires put down for any alarm systems. he said that back in the days when they gave DCC the housing proposal, DCC rejected the alarm wires and told them to exclude them when building the houses. tom had questioned that decision saying that every house should be wired up but again the person responsible/ in charge to have the final say - declined. Sooooo we have to get it done and it's going to be quite costly

i rang up eircom and a couple of other companies and it's about € 900. if we had the wires, it'll be by € 200 or € 300 cheaper

anyways, let's stay possitive.

does anyone has quotes/ recommendations for tiles? thinking of getting them in the kitchen and hall way but haven't looked around for quotes yet...
just spoke to a friend of mine about the alarm he has his own company
he asked me was it wired for one also

he's coming up with me on saturday to have a look at it with me he said its no big deal really if its not it can be sorted but i'll let you's know how i get on and i'll post his number up on sat if anyone would be interested in getting a quote for one off him

just spoke to my solicitor two mins ago aswell he is making a call now to start drawing down the mortgage said martin out of dcc left a message saying final contract was on the way to him he said he just needs one more piece of paper now a final statement or some jargon but that you need this to complete the sale he said he'd ring me as soon as he speaks to martin about it he left a message for him

asked me would i be happy with signing next fri
Nevernever08 - no kids
own/ occupy - no kids
graham hunga - no kids
Annpg - one 6 year old
shellym - one 6 year old
alaskaonline - one 2-year old
J59 - 3 children: 2 girls 8 and 9 one boy 4

Sel2 - one 9 year old
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graham defo not wired for an alarm. My dad is sorting out getting one in for me I will ask him who he is getting if of and let you all know
thanks never. i got a price of 600 4 alarm. he said he would wire it up 4 that price. rang tom today i will be closing in 10 to 14 days. contract nearly sorted.