Newbury Wood, Clonshaugh, D.17

alrite alasksonline. tom just told my girlfriend at the site 2day that they were holdin everything up. dont know who to believe now. dont care now mate just cant wait to get. i hope they just get everything right. both tom and dcc. nice to meet u. im in number 8
well Tom had told me for weeks that ESB is holding up everything while he told others about Gas honestly, i dont know who or what to believe and at the end of the day need to wait one way or the other. i'll call Martin later and let ye's know what he said. it's only a matter of days now - not months anymore ;)
so i rang martin a few minutes ago and he confirmed that they want to close the sale by the end of next week. he said a letter will be send out confirming this in writing. fingers crossed :)
u wouldnt have his number mate cause we still havent got our contracts. they were made up wrong a couple of months ago.
I don't actually, no but you can call the Switchboard (that's what I did) and get transferred to him 01 2225020
hi all

i'm in the last house at the end was up doing my snag yesterday evening anyone i seen there had kids with the which is great between me and my boyfriend we have 3 so its good for them if they have some one to play with still a good bit to be done to my snag dropped the new one up this morning to mick fella was there to snag windows and doors this morning we're both from coolock so its nice and handy for us

just cant wait to move in now !
Done a list with all the ones that registered on aam aka are part of the Newbury Wood Crew :D amazingly 18 (incl. moi) of our neighbors are already registered!!!

own/ occupy - no kids
graham hunga - no kids
Annpg - one 6 year old
shellym - one 6 year old
alaskaonline - one 2-year old
J59 - 3 children (1 boy & 2 girls?)

If I missed someone, let me know :)
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I just love the idea that the kids won't have to cross the road to knock for each other!! It's so safe for them..I can almost see them (on a sunny day like today) on their bikes & scooters...can't get the smile off my face today - solc expecting cheque from bank 2mrw - it's being put in this evenings post!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D ( I think that deserved three smileys!!!)
Hey Everyone,

Did my first Snag yesterday evening and i honestly had very little to complain about. Only small things really: Paint on doors and windows, Kitchen drawer not closing fully, a nail stuck in the floor in the living room.

own/ occupy - I've got no kids, so keep them out of my Garden :) :)
graham hunga
Annpg - one child
alaskaonline - one 2-year old
J59 - 3 children (boys or girls?)
Hi everyone,

Great to see that there will be so many children! I've a 6 year old girl myself so i'm delighted for her. Did my second snag yesterday, still a few things to be done but nearly there, yeah! :D Best of luck to everyone, hope to see you all soon;)
no kids 4 me yet. thank god. dont tell the missus i said that. yeah keep those kids out of my garden. im gonna be the victor meldrew of this estate.:D:D