New visitors - where did you hear of Askaboutmoney?

Irish Times business section 5th October 2007

in an article about women and attitude to money
First found your site on the Sunday Business post, I think its a great site and I am just getting the hang of it.
I think it was the indo. It's so long ago I can't remember,but I've told anyone I know about it . I think it's a brilliant site and everyone is so tuned in to all the latest info unlike a lot of sites where people only pop in and out occasionlly.I love to sit down and read it at night ,it's better than a newspaper! I feel I know a lot of the people here even though I've never met them!
I did a Google search on a particular topic (it happens to be Moliets in France) and one of the top ten responses included your site.
I heard about it from a friend. It was back at the start of the SSIA's [I think]

Have heard Brendan several times on Radio - The Last Word mostly.

Keep up the good work !