S SeanHow Registered User Messages 12 3 May 2006 #283 searching for mortgage info in google and AAM was one of the first results
C Catnonie Guest 4 May 2006 #285 Heard someone on the last word (today FM) talking about it so logged on!
D December Registered User Messages 54 7 May 2006 #286 clmp said: Heard you on TodayFM Last Word yesterday. Well done challenging those Guys on their supposed home investment system. Click to expand... Also heard you there, but had initially heard about you from other posters on wedding and womens forums (fora?)
clmp said: Heard you on TodayFM Last Word yesterday. Well done challenging those Guys on their supposed home investment system. Click to expand... Also heard you there, but had initially heard about you from other posters on wedding and womens forums (fora?)
N nnac Guest 9 May 2006 #287 Both on the Eddie Hobbs website and the Irish Independent (a few times).
E erick Registered User Messages 17 14 May 2006 #290 from surfing the net.....thank God for this site !....more power :->
W wavelength Registered User Messages 55 14 May 2006 #291 From my boyfriend who uses it regularly and who heard of it thorugh word of mouth
M midnight Guest 15 May 2006 #292 On The Last Word on Today FM... Always try to catch your slot each week. Even if I don't find it relevant to me it's always interesting.
On The Last Word on Today FM... Always try to catch your slot each week. Even if I don't find it relevant to me it's always interesting.
J joeysully Registered User Messages 283 17 May 2006 #295 Googled looking for NCT info, havnt logged off since
L Louise Registered User Messages 20 17 May 2006 #296 Came across it on google when searching for info on property.
R rkeane Registered User Messages 256 9 Jun 2006 #299 Heard about it on Today FM's last word. One of your guys was on.