Can anyone clarify the situation with UB Trackers as of today....
I know you said you weren't interested in the ufirst option, but just to clear things up a bit, I am on a ufirst tracker (got it 2 years ago at LTV 92%) and am on a rate of 4.55% (ECB +1.05%) and asked if I could switch to a lower rate because my LTV is now around 65%. They said I could switch to their 'new' ECB + 0.75% tracker rate for LTV < 80%. This is the rate that is discussed here on this thread but has not yet been added to their website.
They gave me a print-out of their current list of rates as at 24th January, which I have here, and lists this new ECB + 0.75% rate. However, the only other (non ufirst) rate I see mentioned is a "Flexible Tracker Mortgage LTV < 80%" which is indeed 4.45% (ECB + 0.95%).
So it looks like they have not reduced your rate, and don't offer any other LTV rates (ie: LTV < 60%, LTV < 50% etc.). It seems you may be able to avail of any lower rate.
Having said this I would call them and tell them you are considering switching to NIB as your LTV is 25% and see if they make an offer. If not, then I'd switch anyway. You may not save much but out of principle...
UB, LTV 25% (€100,000), 8 years, 4.45% = €1,239 (Total Interest = €19,050)
NIB, LTV 25% (€100,000), 8 years, 4.09% = €1,223 - (Total Interest = €17,400)