Key Post New Posts and Recent Posts

OK - I use the top right hand button (PC user) but when I go into my new posts (which are the unread new posts) and then click on the top left new posts I get logged out and a new layout which is a bit smaller. In order to get back in, I have to either retype the url or hit the back button on the browser. Bug methinks. So resteps
1 After login select the New Posts button on left upper of screen
2 When the posts appear click on the new posts link on the top left of screen
= Logout
1 After login select the New Posts button on left upper of screen
2 When the posts appear click on the new posts link on the top left of screen
= Logout

In both cases you are clicking on the Upper left.
Did you mean the upper right in one of those?

I am not able to reproduce that in Firefox or Chrome.

What browser are you using?
