PTSB are obviously factoring in where they see their variable rate going to in the next few years.
The ECB rate has dropped 3.25% since a couple of years ago so if it was to get back up to that level, even variable rates would be around the 8% mark.
I agree. The lack of understanding by home owners of why interest rates are increasing astounds me. Talk of people power and unfairness etc. The Irish government are paying the EU/IMF 5.8%. This is a floor on wholesale borrowing in this country. The banks will be borrowing at higher than this and need to apply a higher margin to cover tracker rate loses. All in all 8%+ is reflective of where variable rates are heading over the next 2-3 years.
The banks have a choice, higher interest rates or more taxpayer money. I for one am totally against even more taxpayer money (than they're already going to get) going into the banks. Charge the customers.
If people are having trouble covering the increases to date then I'm afraid they're likely to be in real trouble come next year. And I don't think there'll be any money in the government coffers to help at all.