New Pay-related Jobseeker's Benefit - When?


New Member
It is highly likely that my job will be made redundant shortly. Does anyone know when the new pay-related Jobseeker's Benefit will come into force? And if I get made redundant before this comes in, will I stay on the current system or move to this new one? There's quite a difference between the current weekly amount and the max that I would be due under the new scheme. Thanks.

Screenshot below from Citizen's Info - it just says "... late 2024."

Marsupial- I’m going to be in the same boat as you , been made redundant at the end of October so could it be the case if this new welfare comes in let’s days December I’ll not get the new rate and stay on 232 as opposed to 450 ? …. Would not seem very fair after 30 years employed and first time getting welfare ?
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