New Lease - VAT Question?


Registered User
New development in Co Meath
Want to rent 1000 sq ft to open a shop
25 yr FRI lease with 5 yr rent reviews
As a tenant will I have to pay VAT on the creation of the lease?
Is there stamp duty payable?
What about rates, how much will they be?
Can you help or direct me to where I can find answers on the web?
VAT on property is much too complicated an area for anyone to inform themselves via web sources. You will need professional advice. The area is so complicated that many accountants don't even touch it, preferring instead to refer their clients to specialist VAT advisors.
did the same as you a few months back

you need to register for VAT and get a vat form 4a filled out by both yourself and the landlord, the vat on my 25 yr lease was 94,000 so you need to do this first before you sign anything. the revenue will give you a 4b form which means you wont have to pay any vat.

Stamp duty is payable on short leases, i cant for the life of me think if i paid stamp or not!

Rates are decided by the county council but if its a new development it will take a couple of months for them to come out, you could always ring and ask them but I dont think it would be a good idea to alert them to your pressence just yet! If you can ask other business owners in the area what their rates are it will give you an indication of what they may be

but as the previous poster said, you wouldnt find much info on the net and a solicitor and accountant are the people you need to talk to.
Thanks to you both for the help. Will be a specialist to advise me.