Calling out to folks already living in DM or contractually committed to a property there.
I understand from reading the thread that the planning permission for DM is pretty well understood as per Planning Reference: FW13A/0075 however what is less clear to me is the developers intention wrt Diswellstown House. Does anybody have an insight into how the protected structure will be assimilated into the DM development? Will it become a commercial enterprise that the residents have no input to? The concern must be that it is something out of character to DM and impacts the quality of life of those living close to it? It is a large house with expansive grounds that will require upkeep, who will do this and who will pay for it? I assume it will be beyond the remit of the DM management company?
I would like to sound opinions on how folks feel it will affect the visual aspect of property No's 92 - 94, would most agree that the house will be an attractive feature that is a very unusual thing in a typical Dublin housing development or could it be a dominating structure that casts a long shadow over the cul de sac those houses are in?
Thank you everybody for the posts that have gone before me, they have been very helpful.
FYI: Text from FW13A/0075
Permission for development at Diswellstown House, Diswellstown, Dublin 15 and including connections to public sewer via Luttrellstown Road and Porterstown Road. Site area (including works along public road)is c. 6.53ha. Diswellstown House is a Protected Structure (No. 731 - including main house, outbuildings, gate piers and gates). The development will consist of modifications to Permission Ref. F06A/1597 (which was granted for 156 no dwellings (96 apartments & 60 houses), crèche, basement car park, demolition/conversion of outbuildings and sheds/structures, residential development within the walled garden, maintaining Diswellstown House as a residence and redefining its boundary/curtilage, and associated works). The revised development will now comprise a total of 119 no. residential units. This includes Diswellstown House which will be retained as a residence subject to internal and elevational modifications including removal of a 1st floor bedroom and 2nd floor bathroom (c.50 sq.m in total) (Revised floor area of main house c.780 sq.m. plus c.97 sq.m. shed). Demolition of sheds/barn/walled garden structures and portions of glasshouse/outbuildings (c.355.2 sq.m in total). Conversion/extension of outbuildings and glasshouse to provide 4 no. 2-bed and 2 no. 3-bed, 1 to 2-storey residential units (ranging in size from c.77 sq.m to c.145 sq.m). Development of 8 no.3-bed, 2-storey terraced houses (c.116 sq.m each) within the walled garden. Provision of new boundary treatments and improvements to existing boundaries within the Diswellstown House curtilage. New openings in the walled garden and other boundaries to provide access. Relocation of entrance pillars/gates to new location adjacent the main house. Provision of 104 no. 2-3 storey houses on the remainder of the lands, ranging in size from c.109 sq.m to c.211 sq.m. Comprising 11 no. detached, 70 no. semi-detached, and 23 no. terraced houses. Provision of new roads, paths/cycleway, open spaces, pumping station kiosk (c.2 sq.m). All associated site development, services and landscaping works. The total gross floor of the development, including modifications to Diswellstown House, is c.18,370 sq.m. SIGNIFICANT FURTHER INFORMATION has now been received.
I understand from reading the thread that the planning permission for DM is pretty well understood as per Planning Reference: FW13A/0075 however what is less clear to me is the developers intention wrt Diswellstown House. Does anybody have an insight into how the protected structure will be assimilated into the DM development? Will it become a commercial enterprise that the residents have no input to? The concern must be that it is something out of character to DM and impacts the quality of life of those living close to it? It is a large house with expansive grounds that will require upkeep, who will do this and who will pay for it? I assume it will be beyond the remit of the DM management company?
I would like to sound opinions on how folks feel it will affect the visual aspect of property No's 92 - 94, would most agree that the house will be an attractive feature that is a very unusual thing in a typical Dublin housing development or could it be a dominating structure that casts a long shadow over the cul de sac those houses are in?
Thank you everybody for the posts that have gone before me, they have been very helpful.
FYI: Text from FW13A/0075
Permission for development at Diswellstown House, Diswellstown, Dublin 15 and including connections to public sewer via Luttrellstown Road and Porterstown Road. Site area (including works along public road)is c. 6.53ha. Diswellstown House is a Protected Structure (No. 731 - including main house, outbuildings, gate piers and gates). The development will consist of modifications to Permission Ref. F06A/1597 (which was granted for 156 no dwellings (96 apartments & 60 houses), crèche, basement car park, demolition/conversion of outbuildings and sheds/structures, residential development within the walled garden, maintaining Diswellstown House as a residence and redefining its boundary/curtilage, and associated works). The revised development will now comprise a total of 119 no. residential units. This includes Diswellstown House which will be retained as a residence subject to internal and elevational modifications including removal of a 1st floor bedroom and 2nd floor bathroom (c.50 sq.m in total) (Revised floor area of main house c.780 sq.m. plus c.97 sq.m. shed). Demolition of sheds/barn/walled garden structures and portions of glasshouse/outbuildings (c.355.2 sq.m in total). Conversion/extension of outbuildings and glasshouse to provide 4 no. 2-bed and 2 no. 3-bed, 1 to 2-storey residential units (ranging in size from c.77 sq.m to c.145 sq.m). Development of 8 no.3-bed, 2-storey terraced houses (c.116 sq.m each) within the walled garden. Provision of new boundary treatments and improvements to existing boundaries within the Diswellstown House curtilage. New openings in the walled garden and other boundaries to provide access. Relocation of entrance pillars/gates to new location adjacent the main house. Provision of 104 no. 2-3 storey houses on the remainder of the lands, ranging in size from c.109 sq.m to c.211 sq.m. Comprising 11 no. detached, 70 no. semi-detached, and 23 no. terraced houses. Provision of new roads, paths/cycleway, open spaces, pumping station kiosk (c.2 sq.m). All associated site development, services and landscaping works. The total gross floor of the development, including modifications to Diswellstown House, is c.18,370 sq.m. SIGNIFICANT FURTHER INFORMATION has now been received.