Gerry Canning
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Dr Debt;
Very inclined to disagree with your 5 elements in that they are of a pure Market economic not a Social Economic model.
1.From what I gather there is enough zoned land to proceed.
2. Compulsory purchase orders at a fair price (public good)
3. I am talking of Government/Co Co builds, by all means use private developers to complete houses...
4. I am not talking just of buyers , but more renters ie Co Co types, so as to ensure there is a quality housing stock somewhat shielded from the vagaries of dis credited market.
It frightens me you say {THe only way out of this is higher prices and greater liquidity}
Please Think of Housing as more a Social Issue rather than as an economic issue.
If citizens end up paying higher and higher prices we re-end up in another vicious and unvirtuous circle .
eg Mortgage 20 years @ 5% on 200,000 = mthly 1,320 .
but if higher priced at say 300,00= mthly 1980.
the Difference ................................= mthly 660.
Surely that long term mthly xtra of 660 would be better kept within and spent in Ireland.
Surely that 660 less per mth would reduce wage pressures.
Putting prices up to the artificial prices I see in Dublin is YET again perverse economics that has put us into this mess.
Social funding for houses will create a virtuous circle.
Comments please.
Very inclined to disagree with your 5 elements in that they are of a pure Market economic not a Social Economic model.
1.From what I gather there is enough zoned land to proceed.
2. Compulsory purchase orders at a fair price (public good)
3. I am talking of Government/Co Co builds, by all means use private developers to complete houses...
4. I am not talking just of buyers , but more renters ie Co Co types, so as to ensure there is a quality housing stock somewhat shielded from the vagaries of dis credited market.
It frightens me you say {THe only way out of this is higher prices and greater liquidity}
Please Think of Housing as more a Social Issue rather than as an economic issue.
If citizens end up paying higher and higher prices we re-end up in another vicious and unvirtuous circle .
eg Mortgage 20 years @ 5% on 200,000 = mthly 1,320 .
but if higher priced at say 300,00= mthly 1980.
the Difference ................................= mthly 660.
Surely that long term mthly xtra of 660 would be better kept within and spent in Ireland.
Surely that 660 less per mth would reduce wage pressures.
Putting prices up to the artificial prices I see in Dublin is YET again perverse economics that has put us into this mess.
Social funding for houses will create a virtuous circle.
Comments please.