New Commerical vehical tax

And this is one teacher who'll sign the declaration that it's being used in the course of work.

Illegally of course

Where does it say in your contract that you have to carry anything anywhere?

Fair play to you for doing all the lifting and carrying but if it's not part of your job then you are doing it voluntarily and if you are doing it voluntarily then you are not entitled to tax your vehicle as a commercial vehicle.

Don't get me wrong - I think it's a stupid law but being in breach of a stupid law is the same as being in breach of a good one.
you as you say are an employee and on your contract of employment it would state that you are employed to teach. all the other bits and pieces are your own efforts and you should be commended for that. i wouls say the main reason while you wont admit it is tax evasion.
there must be alot of shelving at your school.
Can the football gear not fit in the boot of the car like every one else.
you did not state you were the principal but it still does not change any thing
On the issue of the motor tax, again I don't see why motor tax cannot be collected at the petrol pumps. The more you drive, the more you pay.
I thought I heard something about this recently from Noel Dempsey....I'll look it up and post details if I can find them. The only danger is that the current Govt could well try and introduce it in addition to the existing motor tax system.
We'll agree to differ.

I am happy to sign a declaration and I'll deal with whatever (if any) fallout occurs because of it.
i dont think it is possible to enforce this new idea, i constantly have work gear in the back of my jeep 24 hours a day 7 days a week, if stopped and asked by a Garda i would simply say im working!
Can anyone let me know is there any truth in the rumor that in future in order to tax a commercial vehicle that one would need a VAT number...?
Its completely unenforceable and will go the same way as the ban on using mobile phones while driving or the law that says provisional drivers cannot drive unaccompanied. It will be largely ignored and only an unlucky few will be caught out.
Some places may ask for a VAT number but there is no need as many businesses do not have to register for VAT.
Can anyone let me know is there any truth in the rumor that in future in order to tax a commercial vehicle that one would need a VAT number...?

That would mean massive changes to the VAT regieme which would be complicated and probably expensive to implement, so I doubt there's much truth in it.

The problem here is that your tax is commercial, apparently for commercial use only. Yet your insurance is likely for a private vehicle. So if you are stopped or crash what will you say?.. would you be using the vehicle for commercial or private use? If private then you are in breach of the commercial tax regime. If commercial then they might ask does your employer pay for the car, tax and insurance? It'd be strange to claim that it's a 'company car' if it's paid for privately.

What case will you make in court? That you consider yourself to be a commercial user?, even if you don't satisfy any of the tests for commercial use? How will you even be able to sign the declaration if you don't own or run a business? I doubt the police will allow you to sign the declaration without there being any evidence of you being a commercial user.

Overall all though I am a commercial driver, with commercial tax and insurance. I will likely continue to use the van for private use as it's my only vehicle, and my insurance is valid for private use. It's just the tax that'd be a problem. But I've never seen or being told that I'm only supposed to use the van for commercial reasons...

I would agree that running a school is a business but the point is it isn't your business. My understanding is this is getting at self employed people which you are not one off.
I think Gormley has missed the boat on this. Hasn't most self employed builders gone out of business.
I think Gormley has missed the boat on this. Hasn't most self employed builders gone out of business.

I would think this is entirely his point.

Previously self-employed builders are still driving commercial vehicles and availing of the low commercial motor tax rate but they are not using the vehicles for any work at all. So therefore they should have to pay normal motor tax rates like the rest of us.

Just add it to the list of virtually unenforceable laws that we have.
Where I work, at least 20% of the vehicles in the car park are small commercial, used 100% of the time as private, child seats and all , these are the people that Minister Gormley / the revenue are after, not some business owner getting a loaf of bread on the way home etc. AFAIK this is the norm in UK and rest of Europe, so it can and should be enforced.

PS. JohnOB, you are evading not avoiding tax as you are not a business owner, which is against the law (in my opinion your some role model ).

A number of them that I knew don't have their jeeps anymore because they have been repossessed. Have to agree with you on the unenforceable law.
I thought I heard something about this recently from Noel Dempsey....I'll look it up and post details if I can find them. The only danger is that the current Govt could well try and introduce it in addition to the existing motor tax system.

[broken link removed] Here's the link to the story re adding the motor tax to petrol charges.
PS. JohnOB, you are evading not avoiding tax as you are not a business owner, which is against the law (in my opinion your some role model ).

Yeah ... I'm a great role model, I'm on par with the rest - bankers, politicians, criminals etc.
This is unenforceable, period.

I run a business, I have a commerical 4x4, twin cab.
It is insuranced and taxed through the company as a commerical.
It is used exclusively as a commerical bar 3 mornings per week.
On my way to work on these 3 morning I drop my to toddlers to the creche.
If someone came after me on this I think I might cry!

Anyway, unenforceable and it will not be IMO.
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An easier way out for Gormley is to abolish commercial road tax altogether. Why should the private motorist always have to pay the highest rate? Tax all vehicles equally ie by weight or through the fuel.