New Bank Holiday


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Should we have an extra Bank Holiday?
We have fewer than most of Europe so there's a case to be made for it.

If we do have it what/who should it be named after, if anything?
Should we have an extra Bank Holiday?
We have fewer than most of Europe so there's a case to be made for it.

If we do have it what/who should it be named after, if anything?
some European countries have more but if a bank holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday you do not it
Take Austra as an example on paper they have the most at 13 days, take this year and next year as an example it workes out 9 days and 10 days
next year, so Austrians 13 days average 9 and a half, days,

I have seen suggestions naming it Thanksgiving Day,
If it was left to Myself I would call it Marginal income tax Day,
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More importantly... when.
That might shake out a name.
Either name it after a saint or in commemoration of all the kids that were assaulted, sexually abused and killed, and for all the women who were imprisoned for becoming pregnant out of marriage, by religious institutions.
Either is good, the latter because it's worth remembering, the former because I like irony.
Why do we need to name it after anyone?. After all, there are only 2 of the days in question named after someone at the minute (Stephen and Patrick). Lets be honest as well, we can use it to "commemerate" whatever we like but it'll still be an excuse for people to head out on the beer or go off on a weekend break.

As for the debate when we try to find a gender neutral unbiggoted unbiased Irish person who reflects positively on all of our minorities to name the day after....

So maybe instead we should name it after an event. Obviously we can't name it after anything political (upset the Nordies), religous (upset everyone, one way or another) so perhaps since we are supposed to be the island of Saints and Scholars and we have 2 saints already covered, why not an annual "irish writers" day?

And why just one additional BH as well, lets go for 2 at least
Either name it after a saint or in commemoration of all the kids that were assaulted, sexually abused and killed, and for all the women who were imprisoned for becoming pregnant out of marriage, by religious institutions.
Either is good, the latter because it's worth remembering, the former because I like irony.
Saint Maria Goretti Day ticks two of your boxes, but I don't think that's quite what you had in mind! Her feast day is 6th July, an excellent time for a bank holiday. July 12th works well also!
Saint Maria Goretti Day ticks two of your boxes, but I don't think that's quite what you had in mind! Her feast day is 6th July, an excellent time for a bank holiday. July 12th works well also!
It is certainly ironic, I'll give you that.
I agree. Make Saint Brigid's feast day, 1st Feb, a bank holiday. It is also traditionally the first day of spring in Ireland and she is one of our 3 patrons, which include Patrick and Columcille. A woman with a backstory, assuming it's true, that makes her perfect as a patron for "mna na hEireann" in all their unique travails down the millennium and a bit since her death. No more guerilla fighters, war heroes, partisans, or revolutionaries please, just this outstanding Irish woman.
I agree. Make Saint Brigid's feast day, 1st Feb, a bank holiday. It is also traditionally the first day of spring in Ireland and she is one of our 3 patrons, which include Patrick and Columcille. A woman with a backstory, assuming it's true, that makes her perfect as a patron for "mna na hEireann" in all their unique travails down the millennium and a bit since her death. No more guerilla fighters, war heroes, partisans, or revolutionaries please, just this outstanding Irish woman.
Yea, scare someone into converting on their deathbed. What a role model.
The version I have is that it was her father who converted and she travelled from Kildare to Louth to be at his bedside and baptised him. 'Twas all fadó fadó anyway and I have to say I didn't witness any of it but dúit bean liom go ndúit bean léi.
that makes her perfect as a patron for "mna na hEireann" in all their unique travails down the millennium
How about Mary's Day?
Then it could be about the Christian Mother of God, either Mary that was president, Paul McCarthy's mother and person about whom the song was written, or any other Mary you can think of or, indeed, 'Mary' as a collective name for all Irish 'wemmen'.
How about Mary's Day?
Then it could be about the Christian Mother of God, either Mary that was president, Paul McCarthy's mother and person about whom the song was written, or any other Mary you can think of or, indeed, 'Mary' as a collective name for all Irish 'wemmen'.
I think in one year all Catholic girl baptisms were variants of Mary including Maria, Marie etc...
Can you imagine the reaction from the "woke" generation if we called the bank holiday after a Catholic/Christian historical figure?

Can we just make life easier for all and name it after a Cork person, Christy Ring day, Jack Lynch day, Teddy McCarthy day, a day commemerating the Double, Cha and Mia day, Sonia O'Sullivan day, the Donovans day or just "Cork Day", a day when the entire country of Not Cork remembers the how unlucky they are not to come from Cork :)