
I guess I should have been more explicit. I meant that China, Russia and Iran were no threat to the U.S. in the last few years
Yes, they have successfully contained them. That's good news for the free world.
yet it's gone out of its way to try and provoke all three.
They have contained them. That's upset them.
Taiwan is part of China. It's a legacy, civil war-era, internal issue that they should be left alone to resolve.
The people of Taiwan live in a free democratic country. They transitions from a dictatorship to a democracy. They were probably supported in doing so by other free democratic countries, including the USA. The people of Taiwan would live under a dictatorship in a police state if they were under the rule of China. Do you think they should just accept that?

India-China have a long standing border dispute - big deal.
Oh, okay. Is that because there's no Jews involved?
The rate of incarceration is much higher in the U.S. than it is in China.
Do you believe the figures issued by the Chinese Government?
That's your view and you're sticking to it. No problem. I'm not here to convince you of anything - but I disagree.
There's no basis for your claim. That's why it is rubbish.
More trumped up narrative.
Are you aware of the details of what's going on?
You're building a lot of Strawmen.
Totally disingenuous. Are you aware what this symbol/character means -> "?" <-
I asked a question. I know you want to run with a certain assumption but you have no grounds to.
Does that mean you think that Israel were in cahoots with Hamas?!
It wasn't just a leading question, you made a statement in the form of a question.

Yeah, I probably didn't make myself clear. I meant that China/Iran/Russia - in the last few years - have done little to nothing to deserve the aggressive stance taken against them by the U.S. None of them were a threat to the U.S.
That's an incredibly naive statement. I say incredibly in that it lacks credibility.
You're assertion that Viktor Yanukovych was elected democratically in 2004 also lacks credibility. The re-running of the election was ordered by Ukraine's supreme court. That election was free and fair. There was no overthrowing of any government. Suggesting that there was is totally disingenuous.
Are you saying that it was okay for Russia to invade Ukraine and that it was the act of resisting that invasion that was wrong? Are you saying that the resulting deaths are therefore the fault of the Ukrainians?

Do you think that Russia is a democracy and that the people of Russia are free?
Do you think that China is a democracy and that the people of China are free?
Do you think that Iran is a democracy and that the people of Iran are free?
That's because the US industrialised in the 19th century whereas China only doing it now. It's easy put in brand new infrastructure where nothing existed beforehand (well whatever was there was just demolished, the state just grabs your house and land and throws you a few shekels) I'd like to see how China deals with infrastructure in already developed cities in 60 years time, then its in the same boat as everyone else.

Like Russia, China wasted alot of time on Mao's failed communist policies and great leaps forward only abandoned for western capitalism in the 90s. It also lost centuries of development before that by closing itself off and isolationism. At least it didn't go down the Russian path of imperialism but suffered under Russian imperialism as result. China has to get manchuria back from Russia first. As for Taiwan, that's the same as ukraine an independent country completely separate from China, they chose capitalism and freedom

China didn't come out of covid too well either, it persisted with harsh lockdowns until last year and never developed a successful mRNA vaccine like the US and Europe did ,the Chinese vaccine became ineffective against the new covid variants just like putin's sputnik vaccine
It seems that if you are an democratic country which is technologically advanced and is good at defending yourself and other democracies from dictators, terrorists and fundamentalists you should in fact hold back to give the aggressors a fair chance.