NESC Report on boosting housing through Modern Methods of Construction

Brendan Burgess


Thursday, 19th September

Boosting Ireland’s Housing Supply:
Modern Methods of Construction

Council Report No.166

“Modern methods of construction (MMC) a ‘game-changer’ to boosting Irish housing supply and helping meet environmental goals.”

New NESC report finds:
  • Greater adoption of MMC can lead to higher productivity gains in Irish homebuilding;
  • Ireland’s MMC industry is ready, willing and able to increase housing supply and accelerate delivery; and,
  • Increased use of MMC in homebuilding helps meet Ireland’s environmental goal of decarbonising housing delivery.

The full report & accompanying press release can be found on our website:
The National Economic and Social Council (NESC) is an independent Council comprising employers, trade unions, farmers, community and voluntary sector representatives, environmentalists, senior officials from Government departments, plus independents. The Council was set up to analyse and report to the Taoiseach on strategic issues relating to the efficient development of the economy as well as the achievement of social justice and environmental sustainability.
In 2023, NESC celebrated 50 years of providing expert, trustworthy and impartial advice on sustainable economic, social and environmental development in Ireland. If you wish to receive updates on the Council’s work, you can subscribe to our mailing list here.

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