Neighbour gone away-Cat starving: What would you do?

Another favourite,. does it matter if it's Cheerios or Weetabix. I think Cheerios left over milk is preferred by ours.

oh no, Weetabix would be a no no, too much of the straw-like stuff in there
cheerios left-over milk's the best - sometimes not even left-over, just abandoned for a minute - last week my other half was having his cheerios breakfast with our cat keeping him company, pretending to be fast asleep - he left the room for 5 minute to check on our baby, on his return he heard some slurping sound - surely, it was the cat making the best out of the situation
yup, maybe ill try the senokat ba dum dum!!!

My other half stupidly left the roast chicken on top of the oven last sunday while it was draining sure they mangled it completely.

Mine used to like Crunchy Niut corkflakes milk, although i have banned them from our house (devil food)
Our cat likes cottage cheese and sometimes blueberry yogurt...or petit filous...but not too much, as they're not so healthy for their digestion. She likes butter of course, but then what cat doesn't.

Boy have we gone off topic here. Anyway, I just collected my princess from our cattery today and she is in great shape. And my cattery lady sends me funny texts when I'm away to let me know how my girl is getting on Couldn't be better And the birds are better off too!