Neighbour gone away-Cat starving: What would you do?

There's a cat belonging to one of our neighbours that regularly comes into our house for a visit. One evening i put my finished dinner plate on a small side table, left the room and then came back to find the cat on the plate and licking up the leftover ketchup! needless to say we haven't left a plate down around him since!
Ney, i am so sorry to hear about your cat. After losing our family cat (to cancer) it took me ages to get over it, not helped by scoffs and sniggers by heartless people who wouldnt understand.

I would be gutted too, poor cat, well it sounded like she had a good life while she lasted.
... got home last night and cat had been killed on the road! ...
Sorry to hear that.
... Just wondering does anyone else's moggie have unusual tastes ?
Bananas, not the flesh but the pith inside the skin. I discovered this one day when kitty No. 1 was nosing around the container of raw fruit/veg peelings for the composter and she decided she liked it; that sandpaper-like tongue made short work of it. Kitty No. 2 tried some but wasn't impressed; he disappeared in a huff for a couple of nights.

I know cats eat grass / vegetation to keep themselves regular, but in 23 years of being owned by cats (six adults, two litters with a total of 7 kittens) I've never seen the like of this. The rest of her diet is conventional - dried commercial feed, the occasional treat ( a yogurt carton to lick out, chicken skin, a fish head) and water.

My daughter suggested I call her Siobhán (after Ms. Fahey from Banarama) who we met on holiday while my daughter was young, but I was more inclined towards Donovan with a nod to the Mellow Yellow song from the Sixties. Anyway it's still No.1 as that reflects the hierarchy in the household; No.1, No.2 then humans and the other lesser creatures the Creator has sent to cats as penance during their nine lives on earth so they can ascend directly into Kitty Valhalla on death.
Ah no ney ...
never, No Ney Never No more ...". I'm sorry, it's Friday, the plug hasn't been pulled on Ireland Inc. just yet, so I can't help myself :eek:.
Our two are 10 and 9 years old. Domestic cats can live to 20+ years. ( and I think there's one in America that recently vacated the oldest cat spot at 38 ! ). They do become an integral part of the family and it is upsetting when anything happens to them.

Yogurt, yes thats another thing they love, scraping out the cartons.
Mine dont like yoghurt at all, does it have to be natural? One does like porridge alright and the same ones sits on the rim of the toilet staring into space for hours.
unusual tastes? my cat loves banofee pie, fudge and left-over milk from cereals - and also drinking water from the loo :D

My Mam's cat is now 19 years of age and it is nearly time for him to go to that great cattery in the sky. He was part of our family growing up and I know my mam will be devastated when he goes, as indeed we all will be.
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Use the space bar to fire and the up and down arrows to aim. :D
Hang on - are you actually saying that your cat could TALK?

He sure could - almost all of it was in Cat Language though, so I couldn't understand him :D

He stood by the fridge and made a very particular sound which to the human listener sounded exactly like "ham".

He was a bit like that famous dog on That's Life (showing my age here now!!) who could say "sausages".....
Cats are so strange though, you'd think they are the essence of self preservation but they seem to take a perverse liking to people who really don't care for them much at all. We had a neighbours cat that adopted us, much to the neighbours annoyance. I'm more of a dog lover, but that cat used to follow me everywhere. When I was weeding he would head butt me all the time, wind around my legs, even jumping on my back. The more I tried to get rid of him, the more he persisted. Eventually I sort of got fond of him. In a way. Well, I stopped running after him and trying to kick him. I'd say I even petted him once or twice, absent mindedly. Stupid cat.
The cats asked me to thank many of you for digging your gardens this weekend. It makes it so much easier to cover up the poops etc when the soil is nice and loose. For best results, please repeat the digging monthly. Thanks again.