I'm in the exact same situation at the moment, we have our own dog who can bark but we don't let her do it for hours on end... the neighbor is 1 over from us on the street that meets our road, so 3 gardens across. She lets the dog out continually barking for hours despite being in the house which I just can't fathom, over the course of the last year I've called 3-4 times asking her to stop the dog as I WFH, each time she was hostile resulting in the last time where I asked her to stop the dog barking she slammed the door in my face, so that's what I'm up against.
The problem is our kids play in the same gaa club, different ages but some crossover as they are 7 and 8. My wife always gets me to call over and I am at the stage where it might be the district court which is a bit of a nuclear option but the neighbors on my side are 2 renters and a older person, I know one renter well and they don't WFH so not much of an issue and the older person is not willing to get into a confrontation with their next door neighbor which I understand. I'm up against a battleaxe here who seems to think I'm in the wrong for having the voice to ask her to stop being a ignorant person and as you can see by her behavior she's not willing to discuss further, some nee houses being renovated close to her so hoping others start raising it but I don't hold out hope, as a people we're very slow to speak out on anything...