Well you could offer to take over the mortgage and buy your existing home with the tracker.
Well given I'm not working impossible for me to take over the mortgage.
Well you could offer to take over the mortgage and buy your existing home with the tracker.
I am led to understand it is unlikely any judge would allow a creditor to force the sale of the family home.
While that is correct, either the lender or your ex could get a judgement against you and lodge it on the family home to be discharged if and when you sell the house.
OK so update.
I got in touch with the EA last week and explained there had been no dealings with the bank and my situation.
Ex contacted me shortly after and said he had arranged for us to meet with the bank (meeting with them next monday)
EA obviously got through to him on this although my exs final words to me were the bank can't prevent the sale they just need to know how were covering the shortfall.
Your ex: wants you to pay
Sue: has no ability to pay
The bank: doesn't care who pays as long as they get paid.
You should just play tough on Monday.
1. You are not prepared to sell the house while it is in negative equity unless the bank writes off the shortfall in full, which they won't.
2. You are prepared to let him take over the house and mortgage if BoI agrees, which they might or might not.
3.No you are not prepared to contribute to the negative equity, as the cheap tracker wipes out the negative equity.
4.Yes, you are prepared to sit down and discuss it with a mediator in a constructive manner.
There is an advantage to your former husband, but he should seek to negotiate it with you. Refusing to talk to you is crazy.
You should drop him an email setting out your position clearly.
"It makes no sense for you and me to meet the bank on Monday without us having first a discussion on what we want.
You and I should reach agreement beforehand.
I am prepared to sit down and talk to you.
But if you are not prepared to sit down, we can't solve anything.
I will, of course, attend the meeting with the bank on Monday, but I don't really see the point of it. "
In the very unlikely event that he takes legal action against you, you will have a record of correspondence showing that you are being reasonable.
At the time we purchased we did a co ownership agreement and put a clause in that should one party wish to sell the other had opportunity to purchase if they did not want to the property could be sold on open market. At the time we put this in negative equity didn't exist and it was to enable us to sell and move on without having to go to court to ger an order to sell.
He informed me of his intent to sell his share. I am currently not working. Therefore not in a position to purchase his share.
He is threatening to lodge proceedings in the court if I try to prevent the sale. I don't see the point in arguing this in court and racking up legal fees to loose when it's lack of finances is my issue.
I cannot see any reason why the OP should attend this meeting on Monday, it is only giving credence to the craziness.
So an update on this he is insisting I pay half of the outstanding debt once sold. I have tried to explain that I don't have the funds to pay it and that as I don't Have an income I don't see the bank converting my share in to a loan as an option?? Or would they ?
I will hold firm on this as I have my two children who are 6 and 1.5 to consider.
Because he is being a bully and she is a person who does not deal well with bullies.