National fish and chip day.

My portion of fresh cod bought in Stillorgan was much smaller than normal. It was half price fish and chips but nobody said anything about the fish portion being about half the normal size. Tuna try somewhere else next time I decide to buy local.
Don't be koi about saying what you really feel. Once they had you on the hook using the bait of cheap food, they reeled you in and gutted your wallet. The chippers must have had a whale of a time last night.
My portion of fresh cod bought in Stillorgan was much smaller than normal. It was half price fish and chips but nobody said anything about the fish portion being about half the normal size. Tuna try somewhere else next time I decide to buy local.

Don't get too crabby, but I would drop them a line.
My portion of fresh cod bought in Stillorgan was much smaller than normal. It was half price fish and chips but nobody said anything about the fish portion being about half the normal size. Tuna try somewhere else next time I decide to buy local.

That's off the scales. You should have been breaming with delight instead of trouting...head's beginning to hurt!
I noticed that most of the chippers (the ITICA ones) werent actually half price...more like 30-35% off!!! Got cod and chips and reminded myself that I actually hate chipper batter :(
Putting dolphins in a thread about tasty fish is just wrong :(

You Corkonians are just bitter that Fungi chose Kerry and not you!

I notice that you have only 152 posts on AAM - so I guess that you must be the new squid on the block then!

Anyway, if you can think of a better fish pun, be sure to let minnow.

Listen here small fry, I'd had enough of your attempts at shark wit

Apart from that, this thread gets my seal of approval
Well now callybags you've had every oppor-tuna-ty to stop this thread from diving into the depths!
My portion of fresh cod bought in Stillorgan was much smaller than normal. It was half price fish and chips but nobody said anything about the fish portion being about half the normal size. Tuna try somewhere else next time I decide to buy local.

I have had the same experience for the last few years with much smaller portions each time in many different chippers even the most famous of them. I think national fish and chips day is disappointing and gives no better value than the proper sized portion the day after.
What we're buying is probably not cod, more likely so godknowswhat cheap crap from Vietnam

Beware when buying fish and chips in Ireland - new research shows one third of Ireland's chippers are substituting cheaper fish for cod and selling it at inflated prices.

And chippers are not the only guilty ones - less expensive white fish is being labeled cod in shops, hotels, pubs and restaurants around the country.
Researchers at University College Dublin found that 28 per cent of the cod being sold in Ireland was being mislabeled.
The figure was just 7 per cent in the UK.

Customers were buying whiting and Pollock when they believed they were purchasing the pricier cod.

90% of the fake cod identified were smoked, breaded or battered because this can disguise the appearance, smell and taste of the fish.
Personally I refuse to pay close to 10 euro for fish and chips even if it is real cod. anyone know what sort of a mark up the chippers are making ? I can pick up some fresh cod at the fishmarket and the wife can batter and fry it with some chips at home for a third of the price with even larger portions too as it feeds both of us.
My portion of fresh cod bought in Stillorgan was much smaller than normal. It was half price fish and chips but nobody said anything about the fish portion being about half the normal size.

sounds like you were stitched up like a kipper!