Nation in denial

lets just have a big party that lasts a few months and blow it all, at least we would have enjoyed it
And all those things may yet happen Complainer.
Why wait? Why hold off addresses these issues and other abuses while singling out public sector staff? There is no fairness in that.

I also expect increased taxation, I won't complain, even though most of the extra tax I pay will (quite possibly) go towards footing the wage bill of those particular group of workers who have been unfairly targeted.
A fair bit of your tax increase will go towards govt spending with the private sector too.

I wouldn't be complaining about a fair increase in taxation either. I am complaining about the unfair levy, and if you think the current complaints/campaigns/protests are rough, wait till you see what happens if the two Brians are dumb enough to try to come back and hit public servants for a tax increase on top of the levy.
Ok, so never mind the country going broke, if they dare to hit the ps with tax increases, you'll just bring the country down anyway?
if they dare to hit the ps with tax increases, you'll just bring the country down anyway?
No, if they dare to hit the PS with two cuts when everyone else gets hit with one, we'll show them the error of their ways.
No, if they dare to hit the PS with two cuts when everyone else gets hit with one, we'll show them the error of their ways.

And when the govt cannot pay your wages because they cant borrow any more money, who will be in error ?
Why wait? Why hold off addresses these issues and other abuses while singling out public sector staff? There is no fairness in that.
Fairness is a concept that has to apply to others as well as yourself.

Your main suggestion was to eliminate the mortgage interest offset against rent.

This is highly unfair as any other business can offset their interest against revenues to calculate the profit on which they are taxed.

Secondly eliminating the interest offset by definition targets those with little or no equity in their investment properties i.e. it's not an effective way of targetting wealth

Thirdly most of these people will have paid hefty stamp duties in recent years.

So I ask you to have a long thing about it and come back and tell me whether you think someone with a loss making investment who has ploughed a huge amount of stamp duty into the exchequer should now be targetted.

By the way I do not own an investment property.
Isn't it strange how the firstly/secondly/thirdly downsides of the pension levy don't get much airtime? Isn't it strange how the example you give isn't of the landlord with multiple properties who experienced approx ten-fold growth in the value of his investment over the previous 15 years and maximises his interest allowance artificially with interest-only loans, even though he has more than enough cash to pay down the capital? We're a longway from fairness in this discussion.

There are no easy decisions here. All the options available to the Govt will involve pain. It is a question of fairly spreading that pain. The pensions levy is fundamentally unfair, and this Govt will pay the price.
The post about the Gov not having the money to pay wages in the public sector got me thinking about the worst case scenario and if this became likely.

What assets does the Irish Gov own that it could sell off now to make a handfull of billion? How many things could it privatise?
And when the govt cannot pay your wages because they cant borrow any more money, who will be in error ?

The Government, for not going after bankers, developers etc and for trying to get the little people to bear the cost. The reason no one answered is probably because we're fed up having to make this point over and over and over.
The Government, for not going after bankers, developers etc and for trying to get the little people to bear the cost.
Please specify exactly what you mean by "going after bankers developers etc" and roughly how much you intend to raise by your actions.
Please specify exactly what you mean by "going after bankers developers etc" and roughly how much you intend to raise by your actions.

I wasn't aware 'I' was suddenly 'the Government'.

They should study ICTU's ten point plan and get back into talks to ensure that the ordinary workers do not carry the entire can through job losses, pay cuts and levies while the wealthy, including bankers and developers escape unscathed. This would require significant input from tax experts, economists etc who are far better qualified than 'I' to work out the fine details. Like everyone else, I am just intelligent enough to realise that there is something very wrong about the ordinary man on the street suffering while the people who caused the problem appear to be getting off scot free. I don't mind 'sharing the pain' if it gets the country back on its feet, I do mind the fact that some people seem to be hogging all the painkillers and leaving the rest of us to suffer.