Mr.Varadkar's voluntary repatriation scheme for unemployed foreigners.

Viztopia, you said
Mr. Varadkar doesnt have a particularrily irish sounding name!! would he be included under the scheme?

no as he is not on the dole
"I think in France you can't come back into the Country and claim again for 3 years."

"The amount they get is in the region of 3k."

That works out at €1k a year for a trip to Ireland every 3 years.
Might be a profitable little business to be set up there....

You wouldn't be entitled to claim the dole after living abroad for three years. Even if you were Irish.
Out of interest, why EU 15 and not the actual EU?
It could be just the EU but I don't think our welfare system is as attractive to EU-15 citizens as it is to the citizens of the Nice EU countries and others, so maybe no need to provide an incentive to EU-15 to return home. Also EU-15 citizens are already entitled to come here to work whereas we can (and probably have on the QT) stop issuing PPS numbers to citizens of other EU countries until 2011.
Similar schemes worked over and over but mainly for refugees, conflict asylum seekers post conflict etc. For example, Germany used similar scheme to enable Bosnian refugees to return home once the war was over.

However, as somebody mentioned, any such schem should be entirely volountary as a lot of non-EU15 and non-EU nationals have made ireland their home in more ways than just working here (and subsequently losing thier jobs). In fairness, SW payments paid out to unemployed wouldn't even cover the basics unless a person lives mortgage/rent free and with no financial commitments so it's not like the Irish SW system has all those unemployed (regardless of their nationality) living in ultimate luxury.
In fairness, SW payments paid out to unemployed wouldn't even cover the basics unless a person lives mortgage/rent free and with no financial commitments so it's not like the Irish SW system has all those unemployed (regardless of their nationality) living in ultimate luxury.

There are separate schemes to cover mortgage interest payments and there is also a rent allowance scheme. It is rare for their to be expectation to pay your rent or your mortgage from your welfare payment. Further the amount you receive varies with the number of dependants.

Regardless of whether it "covers the basics" or not, welfare recipients like workers, will have to take a hit. Though I would argue that the problem is deeper than just the headline number of €204 a week. Rent allowance is too high and the single parent benefit is so widely abused, I would question its necessity in this day and age.