Mr.Varadkar's voluntary repatriation scheme for unemployed foreigners.


Registered User
I was reading an idea from Leo Varadkar of Fine Gael: where the government would pay non Irish people to sign of the dole and leave the Country.

This has been a practice carried out in France for many years.

With over 80,000 non Irish signing on the dole and also many of them getting rent allowance etc. I think this is something the government should consider,

I think in France you can't come back into the Country and claim again for 3 years.

The amount they get is in the region of 3k.

Just wondering what people think.
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Re: Paying Non Irish to go home

Great Idea.
Would he pay me to go to Australia or Canada? ;)
Re: Paying Non Irish to go home

why should we have to pay these people..they got here under their own steam,let the leave the same way!
Re: Paying Non Irish to go home

Not sure if it would work either. Might work for genuine people here who have been working here and now down on their luck due to economy.

A poor example of this last year would be the Roma on the M50. They were sent back courtesy of our Government only for some of them to reappear again.
Re: Paying Non Irish to go home

why should we have to pay these people..they got here under their own steam,let the leave the same way!

Not entirely true, when there was demand for foreign nationals to fill job the Irish were not willing to do or that required skills sets that the Irish did not have in a lot of cases the relocation to Ireland was paid by either the hiring company or aided by FAS/IDA.

Than these foreign nationals contributed to the Celtic tiger in a big way and paid their taxes and contribution to social welfare funds for which most of them will never see a pay-out. Everybody in this country (be it Irish or foreigner) reaped in the wealth of the Celtic tiger so unless we are for slavery we also need to stand by people during bad times.

Even if the state would find people that are willing go back (and let’s remember that you can take you Doyle payment with you for a while) why would the most leave, they made Ireland their home.

It’s all fine and good to bring people in when there is enough work to go around (either because people don’t have the skill or people don’t want to work) but there needs to be an exit strategy for it. Spain has one, so does France and there is nothing wrong to support people that contributed for years to the good of Irish society in whatever they decide to do.

Insofar there is nothing wrong with Mr. Vardkar proposal as long as it’s voluntary and let’s remember Mr. Vardkar has a non-national as father, so I think he has thought about making this statement in detail. In fact his father is a doctor and if you have been to a hospital lately without foreign nationals working as doctors and nurses our healthcare system would be even worse off and more like Zimbabwe (not that we are far off).
Does anyone know whether Mr. Varadkar's suggestion includes people from Northern Ireland who worked here during the boom? And how about people from England, Scotland and Wales? And how about 2nd and 3rd generation Irish people who are citizens of foreign countries? And finally does his scheme relate to only Non EU citizens?
Good post DublinTexas, I agree 100%

Good questions Aj, I'd be interested in those answers as well.
Re: Paying Non Irish to go home

Purple if you are not Irish and on the dole then you would benefit from his idea.
I'm sure Leo wont mind where you go as long as you just go so feel free to go down under or go visit a mounty
why should we have to pay these people..they got here under their own steam,let the leave the same way!

In many cases people would like to leave to pursue work in another country but do not have the necessary funds to fly there, pay for accommodation and so forth.

I understand for all the faux-outrage and accusations of racism levelled at Varadkar by Hanafin a similar scheme is already in place in her department.

Foreign nationals are referred to a charity, itself funded by the department of social welfare, who will arrange flights, accommodation and a once-off payment. Like Varadkar's scheme, it is of course, entirely voluntary.
This has been a practice carried out in France for many years.

As it has here, on the QT. Just drop into the GNIB, tell them you want to go home and you have no money and they will start the ball rolling.

Clarification : They will pay for the tickets.
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"I think in France you can't come back into the Country and claim again for 3 years."

"The amount they get is in the region of 3k."

That works out at €1k a year for a trip to Ireland every 3 years.
Might be a profitable little business to be set up there....
Re: Paying Non Irish to go home

if you are not Irish and on the dole then you would benefit from his idea.
Why would you limit it to non-Irish? The person's nationality doesn't affect how much they drain the Exchequer. Why not make the scheme available to everyone on the dole?
Popularist nonsense. Why not create some bad feelings to all these scrounging johnny foreigners? Always a good vote winner.

As the old saying goes, "an Irish solution to an Irish problem". Rather than tackle the real issue of the generosity and weakness of the welfare system, create a bunch of scapegoats and give them a wad of cash to go away and not come back.

Why stop with immigrants and welfare? Let's reduce crime by giving criminals money to not take part in crime, let's ease the burden on the health system by paying people not to get hurt or sick. We could solve every single social issue with a few brown envelopes.
Mr. Varadkar doesnt have a particularrily irish sounding name!! would he be included under the scheme?
Originally Posted by viztopia
Mr. Varadkar doesnt have a particularrily irish sounding name!! would he be included under the scheme?

"Names mean little, he was born in Dublin to an Irish mother and Indian Father. "

name means a lot. do you not think that its double standards for the son of imigrant come up with a policy to get rid of other immigrants - if this is double standards then it would be a first for the blue shirts..............
name means a lot. do you not think that its double standards for the son of imigrant come up with a policy to get rid of other immigrants - if this is double standards then it would be a first for the blue shirts..............

So just because he has a non-Irish name means he can't comment negatively on immigration? His father, as stated, was and is a GP and so is unlikely to have been an immigrant on social welfare.

Just because you have immigrant roots it doesn't mean you have to agree with all immigration practices.
Popularist nonsense. Why not create some bad feelings to all these scrounging johnny foreigners?

My response still stands, many people can't avail of social welfare and the State will buy them tickets to go home.

From : Programme - Return Fund.pdf

Ireland also works closely with the International Organisation for Migration
(IOM) in promoting and facilitating the voluntary return of persons to their
countries of origin. To this end, persons who are illegally present in the State
(but not subject of a Deportation Order) can be assisted financially to return to
their countries of origin. Such assistance is generally in the form of paying for
the returnees' air-fare and assisting the returnees to access training or
employment opportunities in their countries of origin upon their return. The
IOM's activities in this area are funded by the Department of Justice, Equality
and Law Reform.
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Does anyone know whether Mr. Varadkar's suggestion includes people from Northern Ireland who worked here during the boom? And how about people from England, Scotland and Wales? And how about 2nd and 3rd generation Irish people who are citizens of foreign countries? And finally does his scheme relate to only Non EU citizens?
I imagine that such a scheme should be open to any non EU-15 citizen and should include surrendering both welfare entitlements and PPS number in exchange for hard cash and a one-way flight.