Move from a Smart Meter Plan to a nightsaver meter plan. Regulator? Consumer Body?


Registered User

I have a smart meter, my meter is configured as a smart meter, and I am on a Smart Meter Plan.

I would like to switch to a supplier that has a 'classic' nightsaver meter plan, as I believe it will be cheaper for me.

As my meter is a smart meter, clearly, it is capable of reporting my day and night units.

Can my smart meter be configured as a day/night meter? (I understand that it can, but nobody will do it)

If not, why not?

Can I escalate to the regulator or a consumer body?

Can my smart meter be configured as a day/night meter?
Maybe this issue is covered here?
Can I escalate to the regulator or a consumer body?
I don't know how authoritative or in line with actual practice this is but....
Knowing what offers are out there is one of the best ways of comparing electricity prices. If you have a NightSaver meter or a smart meter then, yes, you can obtain cheaper electricity at night.
Might by useful for you.

Might by useful for you.

Thanks. That quote covers returning to 24hr plan. That's not a day night meter
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Here is a reply from CRU on this topic:

If a customer has opted into a smart tariff, there are no regulatory barriers imposed by the CRU that prevent a supplier from offering a ‘smart’ day/night tariff to customers however, the CRU recognises that many suppliers may not currently offer such tariffs, and it is generally the case that suppliers limit the availability of these tariffs to customers with day/night meters.

There is no requirement in place to oblige suppliers to offer smart day/night tariffs, but suppliers are free to offer such tariffs to customers with smart meters if they so wish.

A customer can request a meter change via ESB Networks (ESBN). Please note that it will be necessary to pay an associated fee for a meter exchange. ESBN will be able to advise you further on this point.