Most hated phrases & management speak

"You need to have a tolerance for ambiguity" - Usually used after giving someone mutually exclusive objectives.

I consider 'mutually exclusive objectives' as bad if not worse than 'tolerance for ambiguity'.

I think the one about the caravan and teeth is one of the funniest I've heard. I am also going to try and use it but it will have to be an email as I couldn't keep a straight face..
The ones I hate the most are -
"Let's Brainstorm"
"Get BUY IN to the process from other areas"
"Let's park it on the hillside and check for teethmarks in the morning"

Had a long phonecall with a firm today and really wanted to work this in. instead I said "Ah sure, lets leave it for a few days and see if anybody bites it". This was followed by a long pause, I moved on quickly. Bet they think I like to drink or something. Will have to get it right next time.
FUBAR is, of course, much worse than SNAFU. (F..... Up Beyond All Recognition)
I had a boss who always said, "I'm not your father".

I always thought I bloody well hope not!
A personal pet hate is FYI at the beginning of an email.

IMO if its not FYI why forward the email to my address at all!
That reminds me. I hate the way some people send all their emails flagged as high priority.

Anyone have a suggestion for letting them know it's annoying without telling then explicitly.

[sorry for taking this off-topic]
That reminds me. I hate the way some people send all their emails flagged as high priority.

Anyone have a suggestion for letting them know it's annoying without telling then explicitly.

[sorry for taking this off-topic]

Do the same back to them, with even the simplest of subjects, they will soon realise how annoying it is.
A personal pet hate is FYI at the beginning of an email.

IMO if its not FYI why forward the email to my address at all!

It generally means that you're not expected to do anything with the email, its just ...errr.. keeping you in the loop so you know what's happening when you have to work on it again
"lets run with that"
"who wants to drive that bus?"
"push the boundaries"
"lets get our ducks in a row"
It generally means that you're not expected to do anything with the email, its just ...errr.. keeping you in the loop so you know what's happening when you have to work on it again

Which implies that I'm supposed to read the email which is what I'm supposed to do with all emails I receive. And after reading the email, I know if and when I've to follow it up. IMO it defeats the purpose of the subject title
what about...' singing from the same hymn sheet'.....makes me cringe

whats worse is when everyone knows that a manager has a favourite saying and then the little suck ups start using it as their own knowing who owns the phrase
"End of Play.".meaning at the close of buisness.does my head in.
"lets Park that for the moment.".wrecks my head.
and finally
"Help me understand!!!!!!!!!!!
we cant say brain storm any more as it might insult those with epilepsy so we now have thought showers....