Most dislikeable professions

I don't believe the real dirt bags of Irish society have been discussed yet.

Well after my experiences this week, the wonderful profession of solicitors tops the pile for me- I often wonder when they sat their law exams did any of them ever finish within the time allowed cause I’ve never met one yet capable of meeting a deadline in the real world

Thereafter Air Hostesses & politicians
P*** Boys/Toilet Attendants. I can quite easily go to the toilet myself, I don't need someone to hand me a tissue to dry my hands...

Is that really a profession?

(what did you do with Breffni Boy1?)

Yes, they are required to take a course in advanced 'man servant' - ing.

Plus they need to be an expert 'perfumiere' etc.
They chose to be traffic wardens! Anyone who does that has to have a problem....

Perhaps they enjoy keeping ignoramuses (ignorami?) from thoughtlessly parking up on wide kerbs/ in disabled parking spaces/in load bays etc? Kilkenny would be gridlocked without our hard-working and diligent wardens. I regularly park in other places (paid spaces etc) and then walk downtown to see some ****** parked up on the pavement or in a disabled parking space. (Excuse my bad language)

I think that the Irish are generally too tolerant of the "Ah sure, it'll be all right" approach. Parking rules are generally sensible, safety-based rules (unlike some inappropriate speed limits, for example) and are there for convenience of other road users. Why should some people flout them and expect to get away with it? If I got a ticket for unlawful parking there would be little to dispute about it - wardens are just doing their job.

Hey I winked! That allows me to say anything as if it were a wry comment with no sting!

Anyway I have never had a parking ticket so I haven't come a cropper to the auld traffic wardens, and I have in fact congratulated a clamper I saw clamping a vehicle parked in an incredibly stupid position blocking a street. Sometimes they do a grand job, but IMHO too many are jobsworths chasing targets and to willingly choose such a profession..... there has to be something wrong surely?

So they clamped a car that was causing an obstruction, so it would be there longer,. Clever bunch, those clampers.
So they clamped a car that was causing an obstruction, so it would be there longer,. Clever bunch, those clampers.

Yep, clamping does seem counter-intuitive. Tickets (and for the really selfish parker towing) would keep things moving better.....
So they clamped a car that was causing an obstruction, so it would be there longer,. Clever bunch, those clampers.
It's the 'teach a man to fish' approach which solves the root cause. You can be pretty sure he won't park there again the next day.