Most dislikeable professions


Registered User
I just want to start a thread about the most dislikeable professions which are worthy of genuine criticism

Top of my list is Estate Agent because
1. You can't believe a word they say
2. They get a lot of money for doing very little sometimes
3. They often have no third level education, but charge a lot more than people who have studied for years. The only course they need to go on is "How to keep a straight face while telling the biggest lie"

Second in my list is recruitment agencies
1. They get a lot of money for doing very little sometimes.
2. You can't believe a word they say, they'll tell you lies about jobs that don't exist just to get your CV.
3. They do very little for a huge fee.

Lawyers/Solicitors are fine (except the ones who do ambulance chasing, and advertise to encourage people to sue insurance companies). The ones who advertise looking for sueing customers on a no win/no fee basis are worse than estate agents and recruitment agencies combined.

Enough of my rant !
Should this not be in Letting Off Steam?

Do your comments re Estate Agents come from a buyers or sellers perspective?
Same question re Recruitment Agencies - from an employer or employees perspective?
I agree totally, but I would reverse your order.

I esp agree with you about their CV harvesting techniques. So dishonest. Also they think they are better than everyone else. Like the are powerful. not!
Also Gardai used to disgust me, until recently I changed my mind when I came to the conclusion that they do a great job to maintain law and order.

Says it all really. Perhaps if you thought for a moment about the other occupations you list, you might change your mind on them as well.
I too hate recruitment agencies. I work in Recruitment in hse and they talk to me like they can do my job better - they can't.

I has a massive agrument with one person who tried to tell me I didn't need a work permit for someone from South Africa - I did.

Yes this is a letting off steam alright.
I has a massive agrument with one person who tried to tell me I didn't need a work permit for someone from South Africa - I did.
And if you took said bad advice you and your employee could have ended up in serious trouble.
Yes this is a letting off steam alright.
I has a massive agrument with one person who tried to tell me I didn't need a work permit for someone from South Africa - I did.

Why would you even have an argument with them? All you have to do is tell them that you want it in writing from them that a work permit is not necessary for the staff member they are sending to you and that if it turns out they were wrong that they will pay any costs incurred.

I try not to agrue but her superior attitude set me off.

BTW its the employers responsibilty to ensure that their employees are eligible to work.
Should also say that I deal with a good few agencies anf the rest of them are a pleasure to deal with. I've had reason to recomend them to other colleagues so they don't have to cold call as much.
BTW its the employers responsibilty to ensure that their employees are eligible to work.

I understand that but Id imagine telling an annoying recruitement agency person who is stating BS that if they are willing to commit in writing to costs if they are wrong will sufficiently silence them. Or alternatively ask to speak to their manager and inform them that their staff is stating rubbish on the phone.

I actually had in an email. I've just blacklisted her.
I just want to start a thread about the most dislikeable professions which are worthy of genuine critisism

Just a few bones to pick from your list, for the record I inhabit the no.1 spot.
You can't believe a word they say

Maybe you have trust issues, is paranoia the latest craze?

They get a lot of money for doing very little sometimes
So jealousy is also an issue. You do understand that it tends to be the companies who make the big money, and what looks like little work on the outside is generally not the case.

They often have no third level education, but charge a lot more than people who have studied for years. The only course they need to go on is "How to keep a straight face while telling the biggest lie"
So with third level education the previous points are null and void? The majority of auctioneers coming through now are all third level graduates, but I don't see that altering the very skewed mindset of some people.

What do you do by the way?

In a post that is notable for it's lack of reason or logic this section is particularly offensive.
To reply:
1. So sweeping it's meaningless.
2. It's open to anyone so if so then fair play to them.
3. So what if they have no third level qualification? It has no bearing on how good they are at their job. The rest of your point is nonsense.
Whiskey is just giving his opinion, that doesn't make him wrong or right so keep yer hair on. For what its worth I too wouldn't trust an EA as far as I could throw them, (no offense MrMan, I'm sure your lovely). My top three would be:

1 Taffic warden
2 Door men
3 Clowns
The OP suggested that they are worthy of "genuine critisism".
That's a bit more than just an opinion.
Are you suggesting that a qualification stops people from BS'ing?
I know plenty of people who have extensive expertise in their field who have no formal qualification in that field.