Mortgage question


Registered User
Hi there,
My girlfriend and I are thinking of taking the plunge with our first property, I am in permanent employment, but after 2.5 years in permanent employment my girlfriend has just changed to another permanent position in another company and is on the standard 6 months probation.

Question is, will we get a mortgage in our current situation, or will we have to wait until after the girlfriend's 6 month probationary period?
Simple answer maybe. Some lendors wont even ask, some will stipulate she finishes her 6 months. Depends how much she is contributing as well.

Get yourself a good broker.
Agree with Slinky. I think if you'd spoken to a mortgage broker he/she would have advised staying in old job until mortgage was sorted.
The switch of jobs does not matter or the probation What the vast no. of lenders are looking for is continuation of employment You will be ok