Debateable - good stats here on Central Bank site.The " Vultures " bought the Mortgage Portfolios at a massive discount so even allowing for market conditions they are still charging way over the top in terms of interest , I was told on very reliable authority that Start bought the Project Glas Portfoilio for a 38% discount so even charging zero interest they stand to make big money .
In respect of the so called "Vultures" none publicly show their rates as they will use the SFS to squeeze as much from each account , dont be fooled by some temporary arrangement which saves on the monthly repayment the customer will end up paying multiples of the "savings" back over the longer term.
Disengaged borrowers seem artifically high right now but in the long term many of these borrowers will ultimately end up losing their homes one way or another - or they'll die in the meantime and their lender will by then be able to initiate proceedings against their estate for possession or force a disposal at that time. Most of these companies are playing the long game, and legally the law is on their side if the borrower does not engage, as around 13k borrowers currently don't. (Ref the Dec 2022 stats from CB)