Mortgage overpayment

Do you have a ptsb mortgage & online (Open24) account?

If so have you set up online lump sum payments?

Have ended up writting a formal complaint letter (on the advice of staff member!) as they were getting no responses either.
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Do you have a ptsb mortgage & online (Open24) account?

If so have you set up online lump sum payments?

Have ended up writting a formal complaint letter (on the advice of staff member!) as they were getting no responses either.
It would help if you explained the exact problem.

While I have open24 I don't have a ptsb mortgage. But others here will likely be able to give you better advice if you lay out the full issues.

I'm guessing you're having issues adding your designated mortgage account as a payee. The following any use:

System generates an error message & PTSB not responding; which is why I was asking to see if anyone was in a similar position.