Mortgage advice


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Im on the deeds of my partners house and mortgage. We are in the process of splitting up. we have reached agreement about who gets what. He gets the house because he always paid the mortgage and I had an other property which I sold a while back and still have 100K from the sale.

My questions are as follows

1. How do I get my name of his deeds and mortgage
2. will I get a mortgage for a house in dublin even do My bank statements are a bit of a mess and I dont get paid into my bank I get paid by cheque weekly. I have payslips and can get a salary cert, i have a P60 and savings of 100K as stated. My current job is down the country, . I want to buy a house in dublin and rent out two rooms and keep the third room for myself till I can a new job in dublin.

your solicitor should be able to transfer the house into the one name at minimal cost.

i cannot answer your second question!