Give a good logical argument why his arguments "off the wall". In my opinion the Irish Government and EU do not know what the next move is, they are stumbling from crisis to crisis..The current situation will inevitably led first to greek default, Irish default and then portugal and then perhaps Spain. Remember capitalism is like all things in life a constantly evolving process and the latest instalment generally referred to as "Neo-Liberalism" has failed, and failed abysmally. The process of a unified common currency in Europe is simply ludicrous and unworkable and in my opinion it is "off the wall" stuff and again this is self-evident in current crisis and needs no further argument, the economic and cultural characteristic of the the constituent parts are just too different for a common fiscal policy.
Why should he give a good logical argument about Kellys views, surely Gekko could be using his job as an 'intellectual' to spark debate.
It would be nice for everyone if debate actually included the person who instigated it.