Monkstown, Cork

nelly said:
So what about the proposed incinerator - if it is well run there will be no dioxins emitted at worst it will be as bad as the traffic emissions people encounter in most areas already as one poster mentioned.

If it is run well... and who is going to see that it is being run well? Cork Co Co & EPA - I certainly wouldn't put my faith in them. Cork Co Co have received reports of illegal waste transportation and when they eventually managed to follow the unit (on day 2) they did.... NOTHING! No prosecution, no warning letter... nothing! As for the EPA - how happy were you about the way they handled the incident at ADM?

Sorry - going off topic. Rant ends here!

Sites in Monkstown, Crosshaven, Fountainstown, Myrtleville area are going crazy prices - expect to pay ~€600-€700k for the site. Before you could buy a site and build a family home (~2,000sq ft) for less than what you would pay to buy the same house completed. However, now you would have to build a substantial house to come out better (financially).