Monkstown, Cork


Registered User
Following on from a previous thread re. Cobh, what are peoples views on Monkstown? Any info would be appreciated?
Re: Any opinions on Monkstown, Cork

Lovely part of the world.R u looking for comparison with Cobh?
Re: Any opinions on Monkstown, Cork

decembersal said:
Following on from a previous thread re. Cobh, what are peoples views on Monkstown? Any info would be appreciated?

quiet area. As far as I know house prices are higher in comparison to Passage.
Re: Any opinions on Monkstown, Cork

I was looking at buying there a few years ago. I was put off by the proximity to some heavy chemical industry and the proposed new incinerator.
Re: Any opinions on Monkstown, Cork

Drove around there at the weekend and liked the look of the place - near enough to Cork city centre and has Mahon Point on the doorstep. Although, houses prices seem high enough. Are there are any other areas that are near the sea yet in close proximity to city centre (20mins) that you could recommend?

Didn't know what the huge industrial structure was - presume that is the chemical plant you mentioned Squonk?.
Re: Any opinions on Monkstown, Cork

Monkstown is very nice,while Passage next door to it is very bleak(but big developments going on -probably has potential because of great location-I'd avoid).You could also consider Crosshaven,about 30mins from the city(outside of rush hour),but you'd want to have sacks of cash.
Re: Any opinions on Monkstown, Cork

decembersal said:
Drove around there at the weekend and liked the look of the place - near enough to Cork city centre and has Mahon Point on the doorstep. Although, houses prices seem high enough. Are there are any other areas that are near the sea yet in close proximity to city centre (20mins) that you could recommend?

Didn't know what the huge industrial structure was - presume that is the chemical plant you mentioned Squonk?.

Monkstown looks across the harbour onto the likes of Pfizers and a host of other chemical companies plus the new incinerator.
Re: Any opinions on Monkstown, Cork

Squonk said:
Monkstown looks across the harbour onto the likes of Pfizers and a host of other chemical companies plus the new incinerator.
Wouldn't say that, most houses in Monkstown point at the dockyard in Cobh. You'd have to be over in Rafeen to be pointing at Pfizers.
Re: Any opinions on Monkstown, Cork

Squonk said:
I was looking at buying there a few years ago. I was put off by the proximity to some heavy chemical industry and the proposed new incinerator.

Same rationale I used to stay well clear.
Shocked that people feel like that but kind of happy. I'd love to move down there in the future and perhaps it'll keep prices down.
yeah,I'm amazed as well,the chemical industry is situated across from Raffeen & I wouldn't be too worried about it (we may as well start checking the Radon levels;)
That anti-incinerator group (Cork Harbour Alliance?) scared the bejaysus out of me. Everytime I drove down to Monkstown I saw signs from CHA about toxic levels, pollution, your unborn child will glow in the dark and have two heads etc etc. Scare-mongering maybe but I wasn't willing to risk it.
MOnkstown is rather posh but up at the back of it there are a good few ex-council houses.. anything down near the water will of course cost a few quid..
Crosshaven has a brand new estate called Brightwater,sherry fitz are the agents ,sorry but i have no idea of prices and i also believe there will be more houses in Crosshaven in the next 12 months..
Prices in Brightwater, Crosshaven have gone through the roof - 4bed semi currently for €480k which IMO is ridiculous - no views, TINY sites and even smaller driveways. Apparently they are holding out for €500k! 3 bed semi in the latest phase was €405k.

I like Monkstown but I would be worried about the industry across the harbour. I often walk there and the smell sometimes can be terrible. I certainly wouldn't be living there if the proposed incinerator goes ahead - which is most likely!
that's incredible prices for Crosser,i know of a couple who sold their other house with sea views just up the road in Crosshaven adn are moving to Bright water....
Fair enough. I wouldn't be bothered living near a nuclear power plant so an incinerator doesn't bother me in the slightest. I currently live near the South Ring Road and the emissions from cars on that are infinitely higher than what dosage of toxins I'd get living near an incinerator.
Monkstown is a gorgeous place just outside the city, I can't understand the scaremongering regarding industry located closeby, If the wind blows the wrong way up in Frankfiend / Grange area the pong from the Kinsale rd. dump will take your breath away and this area is still so desireable.
So what about the proposed incinerator - if it is well run there will be no dioxins emitted at worst it will be as bad as the traffic emissions people encounter in most areas already as one poster mentioned. For quality of life the area is lovely, beautiful walks, reasonable amount of local pubs (3 i think) and a class restaurant (the name escapes me), sailing club and if you work in the Ringaskiddy / C'line area it is ideal.
Traffic after all the Passage developments are completed will be very challlenging but there is a bus service into the city. From what i know it was a very "old money" type place much like Oysterhaven and Rochestown.
As for the crazy prices - they seem the norm in Cork now, I'm glad i purchased when i did.

Local pubs - The Ensign, The Monkstown Inn, The Bosun and Murphs (out the road)

Restaurant: The Bosun (Nicky's to the locals)

Smells: Pfizers (depending on wind), River (at low tide)

Views: Outstanding, particularly if you go up the hill

Price: More than Carrigaline or Passage or Rafeen but compared to Dublin an absolute steal when you think about views, amenities and proximity to city centre

Ammenities: Sailing, rowing, walking, horse riding, golf, tennis, playground, fishing

Nice place!! (but I am slighty biased :) )
Hi All...I never said Monkstown wasn't a nice place. My point is that the Cork Harbour Alliance have a lot to answer for in terms of scaremongering and frightening off current and future residents in that area. I live in Glounthaune and a few months ago the CHA dropped a leaflet in my door saying that my house _will_ (they were definitive) drop in value when the incinertor opens, and a load of stiff about toxins and cancer. (I wish I had kept the leaflet). I emailed them to complain and never got a reply. I lived in Douglas for years and would agree about the smell from the dump and the traffic fumes.
Thanks for the views.

I think prices are quite expensive e.g. site on sale with asking price of 450k with fpp, bidding war in progress and its gone to 550k!!! - for a site alone!! Obviously the proposed incinerator etc isn't putting ppl off.