Money Market Funds


Registered User
Is it possible to invest in daily money market funds where you can just roll your deposit and take advantage of the interest rates closer to 4%?
I looked at Trade Republic and Lightyear but they don't seem to offer them
Bear in mind funds are taxed at a higher rate than deposits, and charge fees.

4% in a MMF taxed at 41% is 2.36% net before fees

3.66% on deposit with Advanzia taxed at 33% is 2.45% net with no fees
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For anyone filling in a Form 11 or have 5k+ in interest income it's 37% (PRSI is added) tax, e.g. Advanzia 3.66% taxed at 37% is 2.30%.
From messing around on a spreadsheet - hopefully someone will check.

Ignoring fees, you'd be better of paying 41% tax over ~5+ years if it's taxed at exit or deemed disposal if the interest rate is just 0.1% higher than the same savings taxed annually by DIRT@37%.

(That'd be assuming the DIRT is deducted from the account annually - reducing the compounding - and it's 33%+4% which won't always be the case)