I emailed Noonan in October regarding the inability of some borrowers to change lender.
Dear Mr Noonan,
In you recent reply to Deputy Michael McGrath regarding the above you stated:
I expect that if financial institutions are convinced that there is a threat that they will lose existing customers, they will reduce the rates that they currently charge such customers.
Do you not realise that there are thousands of mortgage customers that can't switch lenders because of arrears, negative equity and ruined credit records? It is precisely because of these reasons that the banks can get away , unchallenged, with charging exorbitant rates to existing customers. It is incumbent on you and your government to do something to help these customers who
can't switch financial institutions.
Yours sincerely,
And his reply last Friday.
Dear demoivre,
The Minister for Finance Mr Michael Noonan TD has asked me to acknowledge your email dated 7th October 2015 regarding mortgage interest rates.
As you know, the Minister for Finance has taken steps to ensure that the banks provide options for mortgage holders to reduce their monthly repayments. This has involved engaging with the Central Bank and the main lenders on the issue.
The Minister asked the banks to provide options by which mortgage customers might reduce their monthly repayments and believes options have been put in place. These options range from lower variable rates to new suites of variable rates based on loan to value and reductions in fixed rates.
It would not be appropriate for the Minister to advise you what offer to accept. It is a matter for each individual borrower to decide what suits their circumstances but the Minister encourages borrowers to contact their bank to see what is available to them in their circumstances or consider moving to another bank, where possible, if the offer is not satisfactory. The Minister acknowledges that this may not be possible in certain circumstances, however changes to interest rates by the main lenders should in time drive competition in the mortgage market and exert downward pressure on other lenders to reduce their rates and/or provide other options.
The Department will continue to keep the situation under review.
I trust this information clarifies the position.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Lalor
Private Secretary to the Minister for Finance.
Why did I bother